Question Pro-Ject or Rega Planar 3 Up-Grade

Glenn Morgan

Feb 17, 2022
I would like comments regarding up-grading my turntable, at the moment l have a Pro-Ject 1 - Xpression III with carbon arm with a standard cartridge, however l am thinking of changing the deck to a Rega Planar 3 with exact MM cartridge.

Could l have peoples thoughts on this.
Would l be better off keeping the Pro-Ject and up-grading the stylus to a Ortofon Hi-Fi 2M Black stylus at (approx £400) or buy the Rega Planar 3 with a exact MM cartridge at £880.00.
As far as I am aware you cannot upgrade the black stylus alone you need the whole cartridge. Could be wrong
Thank you for your reply, I have double checked and you can replace the stylus only into my exciting cartridge body (according to Henley Audio)
Thank you for your reply, I have double checked and you can replace the stylus only into my exciting cartridge body (according to Henley Audio)
Yes, it does fit, but Al is right that 2M Red and Blue share the same body; Bronze and Black share a more advanced body. The Black needs very careful alignment too, and I’m unsure if you have height adjustment available on your arm - and do you have the knowledge to do it?

How much px will your dealer give for your Pro-ject? That will alter the decision won’t it?
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Hi, thank you for your comments, however taking out the subject of will the M2 Black Stylus fit my exciting cartridge, which of the two options regarding turntables is going to be the best for sound reproduction.
Hi, thank you for your comments, however taking out the subject of will the M2 Black Stylus fit my exciting cartridge, which of the two options regarding turntables is going to be the best for sound reproduction.
I would say the Planar 3 if you are happy to live with its limitations when it comes to easy cartridge upgrades (should be OK if you know what you are doing or get a dealer to do it for you)