Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 £19.95


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2007
At for PS3 and xbox 360 here:

Good deal for a return to form for PES.
Good spot Oldboy, but I'd suggest people give this a rent before buying.

I've always been loyal to the Pro Evo franchise, but 2012 is, in my opinion, one of the most frustrating games ever released.

You can't direct shots (they're almost always fired directly at the keeper); keeper's can't catch or, it seems, leap with any purpose to make saves; tackling is largely hit-and-miss; and those are just some of the frustrations when playing a human opponent. Against the computer, things get even more infuriating (I won't bore people with the details).

Perhaps I'm just awful at PES 2012, but I've always got to grips with previous versions. Too often while playing it feels like I've virtually no control over what happens on the pitch. In short, an hour with this game sends me from a state of meditative calm to near-homicidal rage. |(

Might be time to defect...


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