Now do it all again as a blind test
Get the other half to help with the offer of a meal out, say £20 maximum. As an added incentive to you, if you correctly spot the different cables I will pay for that meal. You send me the receipt and I will send you a cheque! If you fail, the meal is on you. Deal?
The test has to done in the follow ABX manner. Choose any two speaker cables and lay them out next to each other from amp to speaker. Get the other half to decide which is A and which is B. Whilst you are out of the room get her to fit either A or B. This needs to be done in such a manner that you cannot tell which one is actually connected. That is critical. There may be a slight volume difference between the cables and you do not want to be able to pick out which cable is which just from the volume. Your other half needs to have set places to set the volume control if there is a volume difference that you cannot see on the volume control. You then listen to the first cable and then the second.It may be easier to have you blind folded when you are in the room.
Choose one piece of music to listen to through out the test.
Then she needs to start tossing a coin. Heads is A and tails is B. Which ever comes up is the one you now listen to. (If by a fluke you get 10 heads in a row it would be better to add in a change every so often). That is X. You need to decide whether X is A or B. Sometimes the cables will will not change others they will. Your wife needs to act in exactly the same way whether she has changed the cables or not. You need to do it 20 times and be out of the room for each change and be absolutely sure you do not see which cable is actually plugged in.
To be statistically significant and pass the test you need to identify X correctly more than 80% of the time.
Oh, the fun we'll have!
Attractive as the proposition might be, I would feel guilty taking your money off you!
But seriously...your point is well made. I have a feeling that I
might successfully spot the VDH cable quite consistently - it makes the music sound heavy and concentrated in a fairly distinctive manner. To be fair, I don't even think I
dislike it as such, I just prefer the others. And speaking of the others, that is where the ABX test would prove your point. I have to admit that the sonic performance I enjoyed last night when the QEDs, the Odyssey 2 and the Jean Claude were each installed was very, very close. Arguably I could hear slight differences in character, but could I do it consistently and identify which cable was the culprit? Nah, not a snowflake's, mate!
So, would it be a waste of time to spend time comparing them at greater length? I'm sure some will voice an emphatic "Yes!" Well, I have a few Monday evenings coming up during which I can listen at my leisure - I reckon I will simply try each in turn and see which seems to stick. Probably the last one I listen to.
I've had enough mucking about with the other cables for now, so will just spin a few discs during an evening and enjoy what comes out. I think I've worn out Melody Gardot's "Who Will Comfort Me" so perhaps a few different artistes will grace the system.