Primare -Sugden or Cambridge 840A


New member
Jan 2, 2008
The Primare i30, the Sugden A21 SE2 , Cambridge Audio 840A. Which of these amps represents the best sound quality and/or value? I will audition sometime in the future but am currently saving up before I splash out on the kit.

What speakers best suits each amp? (up to 1000 pounds). And is the Sugden compromised due to it's much lower power output.

Thanks TK
Premier i30 (without any hesitate from me)

I own a masterclass Pre-amp and love the sugden but A21 is sound too soft to be recommend as an all rounder.

Cambridge Audio build better cd player than an amp imo and our forum own Bloney had a few complain about his CA build quality.

So that left with the handsome wouldn't impress you on the short demo like the CA would be but after a while you will be seduce to a velvetly smooth sound but no lacking in details, top buy.
I had Primare 130 prior to getting the pre and power set up and would like to echo Thaiman's comments about it not being immediate(like the Quad 900 I tried) but after I settled down for a real listen I was delighted.

I used MA GS10's with it but now have Leema Accoustic Zyp's.

No more tinkering for me until I bi-amp next xmas.
[quote user="mohawk"]but now have Leema Accoustic[/quote]

Now that is an amp I would love to hear 🙂
Thanks for the comments so far. Currently I use a pioneer A400 amp and JBL L20 T speakers and I enjoy the clarity, spatial soundstage and transparency of the music reproduction. The JBLs are a bit overdamped in the bass tho'.

[quote user="Thaiman"]Premier i30 (without any hesitate from me)

I own a masterclass Pre-amp and love the sugden but A21 is sound too soft to be recommend as an all rounder.

Cambridge Audio build better cd player than an amp imo and our forum own Bloney had a few complain about his CA build quality.

So that left with the handsome wouldn't impress you on the short demo like the CA would be but after a while you will be seduce to a velvetly smooth sound but no lacking in details, top buy.[/quote]

Yeah - I've quite a few problems with CA stuff. It ended up with Richer Sounds being very good and giving me a full refund.

Since then I've auditioned a few bits and bobs. Had a Primare I21 on a home demo, but found it lacking.

And guess what? Go on guess..? Today I went and got another 840A! Reasons being:

1) The wife is fed up with me whinging about the non 840A setup

2) If my worst fears come true and there are problems, Cambridge Audio / Richer Sounds provide a new replacement there and then.

3) And this is the big one for me. Nothing else I've heard for the same sort of money touches it. Really.

That said, I was very tempted to go the 2nd hand route, or if I had more cash the I30 may well have hit the spot but the missus has had enough and wants it sorted and stable!

Other peoples experiences and opinions will no doubt differ - and thats why everyone should listen to stuff before buying! I didn't originally with my original CA 640A by the way and was very dissapointed!


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