Flatsound:SteveR750:I'm going to resurrect this thread, but only interested in comparisons with the K2 and not older versions of the Kandy. What was the outcome of your search? I'm interested too. BTW, 2 years ago, I heard the Pimare I30 against a Nait 5i and I wasn't impressed a tall, not because the Primare was bad, but because it was just slightly better than the Nait 5i in some areas, on other hand it lacked the Nait 5i's cohesiveness and tone and cost a lot more.
This thread is goin' crossed-eyed, the same as most others. The Kandy and Primare are two different animals: The Kandy is a warmish, intimate sounding amp, while the Primare is more precise in its presentation. Hence they both need very different speakers. Ah, and there's a small matter of price difference....
Pointless, I'd say, in comparing the Primare with the Kandy and Naim if you use the same speakers.