Power Amp to partner Naim NAC-N272 Streamer/Pre-Amp

Stu 299

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2021
Currently considering:

Naim 200 DR (new)

Naim 135 monoblocs (2nd hand late 80's)

Considerations are 1) sound quality, 2) resale value

Auditioning kit is impossible right now and I want to stick with Naim so thinking is admittedly narrow. Which way would you go?
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Currently considering:

200 DR (new)

135 monoblocs (2nd hand late 80's)

Considerations are 1) sound quality, 2) resale value

Auditioning kit is impossible right now and I want to stick with Naim so thinking is admittedly narrow. Which way would you go?

NAP 250 DR is also worth consideration as it forms a great synergy with the NAC-N 272 and ticks box 2 🙂
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Yes, good point the 250 DR second hand would cost same as the 135 monoblocs. I have a penchant for vintage stuff so is that clouding my thinking here...
Anything brand new will have a resale value of about 50% within say three years, unless in great demand. On that basis buying used is better, but of course you forego any warranty and dealer support.
Naim seem to be prepared to service almost anything they’ve ever made so that helps protect the value, though it’s probably not exactly cheap.
Either 250DR or 200 (NON dr - the DR on the 200 is only used to power classic naim preamps, like 202 or 282, the power output on the 200DR isn't dynamically regulated, like on the 250, so you'd be paying extra for a 200dr over a 200 with no benefit).


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