Power amp suggestions please

Ben K.

New member
Nov 6, 2010
Hello folks

Looking for suggestions which power amps to audition to partner audiolab cdq and monitor audio rx8. Mostly listen to hip hop and dance and also a little pop such as Michael Jackson and beetles. So far I only have arcam p38 (as when I demoed my speakers we used an a38 which sounded good) and roksan kandy/caspian as recommended by my local dealer.

Any other suggestions gratefully accepted.

Thanks very much.


Having listened to a lot of amp and speaker combos recently and ending up with a decent 2nd hand Arcam Alpha 10 integrated amp I could highly recommend the Arcam Alpha 10P power amp which can be found on eBay usually.

Otherisse, with your music tastes, I'd say the NAD C275BEE, Roksan K2 or LIII power amps would be a good fit also.

However, as you've got the Audiolab CDP, have you not considered their power amps?


Having listened to a lot of amp and speaker combos recently and ending up with a decent 2nd hand Arcam Alpha 10 integrated amp I could highly recommend the Arcam Alpha 10P power amp which can be found on eBay usually.

Otherisse, with your music tastes, I'd say the NAD C275BEE, Roksan K2 or LIII power amps would be a good fit also.

However, as you've got the Audiolab CDP, have you not considered their power amps?

Ben K.

New member
Nov 6, 2010
I will probably listen to the audiolab 8200p but the dealer says he thinks the cdq sounds better with other brands such as roksan. I may try to demo 2 audiolab 8200m but not sure I really want another 2 boxes on display. Maybe if they blow me away I'd reconsider. I will try and demo something from nad, although I don't like the looks again if it has the right sound I'd buy it.

Not really looking to go 2nd hand but thanks for the suggestions.

Ben K.

New member
Nov 6, 2010
Has anyone heard the new roksan caspian m2 power amp?

My local shop stocks the k2 but not the m2?

How annoying!