Gizmodo: $7,250 Speaker Cables Turn You Into a Dancin' Fool
If you thought Monster Cable was bad with its $80 HDMI cables, check out these Pear Anjou Speaker Cables, ringing up the cash register at an astonishing $7,250 for a couple of 12-footers. The most entertaining aspect of this sucker bait is the way the company got some gullible snob to gush about how he thinks he can actually hear a difference between these and the other presumably high-end wiring he's auditioned:
"... way better than anything I have heard...Simply put these are very danceable cables. Music playing through them results in the proverbial foot-tapping scene with the need or desire to get up and move. Great swing and pace—these cables smack that right on the nose big time." - Dave Clark, PF
********. Total ********. Danceable? Dance, fool, dance.