i think vinyl sounds better as the compact discs mainly till the 2000´s all sounded better and life of it ,it´s far superior than a cd ,i have 15.000 reasons to say so, as also have 7.000 reasons to say that there are cds who sound great,
but if they sound great in cd , the vinyl version would sound even better, there are good reasons to not have vinyl records as it´s not the best format to listen in a beach with a portable player, but most of the album´s till the 2000´s were recorded in analog ,after i really don´t know
only the final work or format into the studio recording is passed into digital, and that´s when all is destroyd as the cd sound can´t be reproduced faithfully the analog recording made in a studio ,because of it´s limitations as a compact disc not being digital as digital evolved a lot since the 70´s when cds were created,
so direct sound Bla Bla Bla with a cd will never have 80% of the studio work, with a record it will sound the closest possible, even pre-recoded cassettes can top easilly the cd but rare to happen, but a regular thing,
as i have 7 pre-recorded cassettes in many thousnads i recorded and some do sound good ,can give the example of dream of the blue turtles by Sting or the first album from the Who without their incredible drummer.
cds are digital so the sound in a studio it´s very good but also very expensive equipment make it sound good but the idea of playing in direct as a fashion in late 80´s is good for very good speakers and amplifiers who most of the people don´t have at home,
and when converted to digital compact disc all levels and equalizations are changed in the recording made in studio, each track recorded in studio is changed when mixed or putted into diferent levels as it was done by a producer, also equalized , the more close to it today available is vinyl .
I can give a example that i bought a entire new system in the 90´s and before spending money on a SONY Esprit series as i had bought in 82 or 81 a new system by Sony ESprit series and was amazing in sound.
i had alreaddy a nakamichi system from late 80´s who gave me early problems that my father insisted on spending a lot of money on this told to be the best brand in cassette decks who aren´t and far from it,
when the stasis power amplifier was released i had to had it ,except the speakers who were JBL giant studio monitors and i bought a real good cd player either than the nakamichi one that looked cheap but cost a lot of money, i went for the marantz top end model that was built by philips and it was really good,
all of this to say ,that when hearing music i was playing cds but i changed to a nakamichi turntable and the sound become dynamic the guitars sounded like guitars as all other instruments and seemed more expanded in the room while played and through the speakers .
A cassette i recorded from a cd in the CR-7a cassette deck, also sounded better this in direct ,while the cds and i experimented a lot of them from diferent styles of music and diferent kinds of production,
two of the Lp´s i played were from The The , the soul mining and Infected that are diferent works and in vinyl how good they sounded but their cd versions were kind of narrower not bad but like a well recorded cassette in a cheap but nice cassette deck, like the cheaper deck Denon had in mid 80´s
and i understand why people like cds , but good sound i wouldn´t expect it , any record sounded better as in real instruments sound not a bit of confused badly mixed and bad sounding instruments as they do not sound in reality, is the same of me having fun when younger at the beach with a portable radio cassette player ,it sounds fine.
That´s why untill they don´t release a digital format, that already it exists since the 80´s for home use proving that the first digital format developed in the 70´s it´s a bit outdated as the talk about DAC DAC,
it´s boring and ridiculous, buy a equalizer and use the provided tone controls on the amplifiers as they are there to correct somethings
about cd sounding better ,since 2018 i´ve been testing at a shop from a friend of mine ,a lot of new turntables that people say they sound really good and the cartridges refered ,i never heard so bad sounding cartridges,