PMC Wafer 1 or other wall mount options


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I currently have Epos M12.2's on stands about 3M apart with my listening position being around 2.4M from the centre spot. The sound is excellent from the listening position at low to mid volumes but it's a tad too close to really crank it up. The other problem is that when other people are here, most will end up too close to the speakers. I am quite stuck with the orientation of the room and can't really move the speakers back because I have built-in alcove cupboards, the room being 3.5m wide. The other problem I have is a baby and toddler who have started to see the speaker stands as excellent targets for their trucks. I have thoguht about wall-mounting somethng like PMC Wafers, either side of my TV which is also wall-mounted. In this case the speakers will only be approx 1.3M apart and aout 2.7M from the listening position. I obviously will be looking to demo'ing the Wafers but wondered if anyone had any views on whether this would be a good solution or not, or other tips for that matter? Or if I will be seriously sacrificing sound quality, soundstage, stereo image, bass, etc?
I have'nt heard the PMC's in question but from the information I can gather they are exactly designed for that sort of situation. Its a very expensive solution though for something that must be a compromise no matter how well designed!

We had a similar thread previously and I understand there are several manufacturers that make in-wall speakers at far lower costs than the PMC's and unless you plan to stay where you are for a long time I would look at that first if you really have to go down that route rather than perhaps block the ports on your 12.2's and mount them on wall brackets.
thanks john and drummerman,
Unfortunately, after completely renovating my living room, including much core drilling, chasing in for cables and plastering etc, I ain't going back - so in-walls are out the question. My LCD is mounted to the same wall and any wall mounts will go either side of the screen. I have seen that PMC do a proprietary bracket for the DB1i's so assume that animal is suitable for wall-mounting.
Yes, though, aside from the fact that you're going to lose a lot of three-dimensionality from your soundstage, the speakers are going to sit over a foot proud from the wall, as I picture it. I would be more inclined to go up and out (even into the corners at ceiling height, toed in severely). Not ideal, but you're compromised either way.


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