I have the K2 amp driven driven by a Cyrus CD6SE into DB1i speakers. It makes a fabulous noise. The base is tight deep and controlled. The Focus 110's (which I auditioned) are also pretty good but I thought the DB1i's had better depth at the bottom end, which is astonishing for a box so small.
You can't go wrong with either, but I prefered the PMC's
have you considered secondhand? you could possibly get a primare i30 for the same sort of money, i demoed one with my old focus 110's fed by a roksan caspian cdp and it sounded fantastic. it was massively better then the kandy L.lll amp i was using at the time and helped the dyn's produce rockhard bass with great texture. i also demoed db1i's with my old kandy amp and while they sounded very musical, i preferred the slam and power of the bass on the focus. they do need more space behind them then the pmc's though, something to consider if you have a small room.
Thank you all for your replies. I have listen to the Dynaudio Exite X 12/16 and DB1i today, and found Dynaudio is kind of my cup of tea.
Not sure compare X12 and Foucus 110, which is better?(focus should at higher level). And if I use Roksan Kandy K2, will it match with X12 or Focus 110 well? or I should go for Cambridge 840A / Exposure 3010s?
i think the focus are much better. k2 amp should be fine, but you really need to demo them. the 110's really do appreciate a amp with great current delivery, watts are not so important.
i haven't heard the k2 but have read reports of a slightly loose bass, not really what you want with the 110's, so i think you should perhaps take richer sounds up on their 30 day money back home dem thing, and try the 840 as well.