PMC Bass


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2009
If this has great bass, then....


why is this necessary?

maybe that is because over a period of time people developing some hearing loss + have some savings in bank account

probably there is something to do with room sizes
Maybe becuase bass performance can be good and better and you'll get even better bass still if you get the MB2 XBDi. I guess it all relative?!
Isn't that a bit like saying if this is an ultimate driving machine:

What is the point of this:

These give great bass for their size (and relative cost) in the context of smaller rooms and systems (and compared to other similarly sized compact stand-mount speakers).

It is all about this multitude of factors isn't it? Room size, budget, system requirements, musical tastes etc and so on.

Luckily for it's different customers, PMC don't have a 'one size fit's all' approach and offer a massive range of speakers for the person with a £2K system in a small study to someone with a £50k (or more) system in a Baronial hall or recording studio.

Of course this applies to most loudspeaker manufacturers.
debt_collector:Maybe becuase bass performance can be good and better and you'll get even better bass still if you get the MB2 XBDi. I guess it all relative?!

A description like "great bass" should not be relative or it is meaningless. That's my point. Great bass really isn't relative, we all know what it is and it's easy to define with a frequency range.

Now you could say that the FB1i has great bass for such a small box or great bass for such a small driver or great bass in it's price category. All of these are the same as saying, that the bass is definately not great, but better than expected.

I guess, it bugs me that the FB1i is raved about yet it must be seen as hugely lacking in bass by the manufacturer. As they see a market for a product that is triple the already substantial price of the FB1i, but adds nothing but more bass.
jaxwired:I guess, it bugs me that the FB1i is raved about yet it must be seen as hugely lacking in bass by the manufacturer. As they see a market for a product that is triple the already substantial price of the FB1i, but adds nothing but more bass.

Oh, and better midrange, thanks to a dedicated dome driver...
Andrew Everard:

Oh, and better midrange, thanks to a dedicated dome driver...

I guess I'm skeptical that the mids are better as that's the strong suit of the FB1i and has been raved about by every reviewer pretty much bar none. Also, a small 2 way is frequently superior to a 3 way in the area of mid-range due to more seemless integration and a simplier crossover. HOWEVER, I defer to your ears as you've had time to decide...
jaxwired:Andrew Everard:

Oh, and better midrange, thanks to a dedicated dome driver...

HOWEVER, I defer to your ears as you've had time to decide...

Andrew uses OB1's in his own home system.
There are big steps up in overall performance and not just bass response as you go up the range. It is a clear jump from FB to OB to PB to EB. They do all add more bass but the overall sound improves as well. Despite the size of the boxes you do not need a large room to consider these.
Stick a pair of PMC OB1i in a room 3m x 3m and it will not produce great bass but boomy bass. The sound is a function of the room and speaker. The PMC FB1i fills a key part of the hifi market as it suits larger lounges and domestic spaces.


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