debt_collector:Maybe becuase bass performance can be good and better and you'll get even better bass still if you get the MB2 XBDi. I guess it all relative?!
A description like "great bass" should not be relative or it is meaningless. That's my point. Great bass really isn't relative, we all know what it is and it's easy to define with a frequency range.
Now you could say that the FB1i has great bass for such a small box or great bass for such a small driver or great bass in it's price category. All of these are the same as saying, that the bass is definately not great, but better than expected.
I guess, it bugs me that the FB1i is raved about yet it must be seen as hugely lacking in bass by the manufacturer. As they see a market for a product that is triple the already substantial price of the FB1i, but adds nothing but more bass.