the record spot:JoelSim:
The Tucana is £1595.
I have been offered an Audio Analogue at £895 with 5 year warranty. Very tempting indeed.
That's a bit of a killer deal Joel, though have you - and apologies if this has already been discussed - considered the Leema Pulse? Around £1200 I think, belter of a review in another title earlier this year, shop around and you might get a deal, or failing that a decent warranty. Must admit, I have a shared liking for Audio Analogue - I tried their Paganini CDP just over a year ago and was hugely impressed by it. Earlier this year I auditioned their Puccini SE amp which was good, although not what I needed in my system at the time - even more analytical and drier than the Marantz I had. On their own merits, both were hard to fault and I doubt that's changed significantly with newer product. All three are good, but if it were my money, I think order of preference would be the Pulse, Tucana, AA with the Plinius last (but not least).
I think the Maestro Settanta is a big step up on the Pulse and the Puccini, I've heard very good things about them and at £895 for a mint one I can't really lose.
Anyway, we'll see.