Please help!! I need someone to tell me which 37-42inch tv to buy.


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all,

After reading countless posts on the panasonic range I decided I'd join myself and try to get my specific questions answered!

I'm looking for a 37inch TV and own a ps3 which I use for gaming a will use for blue-ray when I finaly make a purchase.

I started off having my heart set on a 1080p TV so that I could get the full advantage of having a blue-ray player and had decided to buy the tx 37lzd80, however after reading many posts I started to sway towards the plasma model th 37px80. This was because I was worried about ithe LCD juddering and not handeling motion very well.

I just want to know if there is much of a difference in picture quality between the two sets, other than the blacks, and what you more knowlagable people would choose if you were in my position.

Sorry to ask so much in one post but there are two more things -

1. The tv will be sat a meter to the right of french doors. Although direct sunlight will never hit the screen, will the plasma be difficult to watch during the day?

2. I have a budget of up to about £900 so wondered if there was a better TV that I may be over looking?

Hope someone can help and thanks in advance to all that take the time to read my post
if you can stretch your budget to 1050 you can get the new pana 42pz85
this is a fullhd set and if ur intrestd in bluray it can handle 24fps [bluray running time] as for gaming it has a 1080 60fps for fast running games or 1080 50fps regular running games and also 100hz double scan [shows each frame twice on 50 fps].
if ur not so bothered about bluray the pz80 should be out in the next month or two is still full hd but isnt 24 fps compatible [so you may notice some small judder on landscape pans etc when watching blu but will be very minor i imagine] and i reckon u may be able to pick one up for just over 900.
not really up on the 37's as i will very soon be gettn a th 42pz85 so iv been researchin the 42's but i think the 37 pana plasma pz70 is the one to go for from what iv heard thru others and dont skimp on ur hdmi lead if ur after a cheap one ebay, qed hdmi-p for just over 30 sheets buy now. most places online are 45 for this lead
let me know what tv u endn up getn ;-)
What's your viewing distance. How much SD material do you watch?
Thanks for your replys!

My viewing distance is about 2.5 - 3 metres! I think the 42 may be a bit big for that distance?
Oh and most of what I watch is SD tv although will probably get sky HD within the next year.
I've also been getting into a bit of a frenzy over buying a telly for viewing 3m -3.5m away. I've got a little hung up over the numbers....but I think I'm just gonna go for the Pioneer 4280xd.

HDTV still feel that it's a better perfomer than the Pana TH42PZ85 and you can get it for as little as £1,199.99 from Empire Direct. I am hoping to get JL to price match against this tomorrow and, therefore, get a free 5 yr warranty as well.
[quote user="PJPro"]I've also been getting into a bit of a frenzy over buying a telly for viewing 3m -3.5m away. I've got a little hung up over the numbers....but I think I'm just gonna go for the Pioneer 4280xd.

HDTV still feel that it's a better perfomer than the Pana TH42PZ85 and you can get it for as little as £1,199.99 from Empire Direct. I am hoping to get JL to price match against this tomorrow and, therefore, get a free 5 yr warranty as well.[/quote]
not sure if they will has to be a retail outlet sure you will find another place with similar price if they dont
id probably get the pio too but im already overstrecthed as it is.
the pio will be better for sd as its a 720 set the 85 has strecth the pic more to fit
the black levels are really close on them checkout hdtv test they reckon both set up properly youd have to be in a completely dark room side by side to tell the diff btween [0.02]
but still more than happy that im getn one
as for size im a bigger the better kinda guy
The Panasonic TH42PZ85 is cheaper at Sound and vision online at £1054.90 and JL pricematch as they have physical stores too
[quote user="PJPro"]I've also been getting into a bit of a frenzy over buying a telly for viewing 3m -3.5m away. I've got a little hung up over the numbers....but I think I'm just gonna go for the Pioneer 4280xd.

HDTV still feel that it's a better perfomer than the Pana TH42PZ85 and you can get it for as little as £1,199.99 from Empire Direct. I am hoping to get JL to price match against this tomorrow and, therefore, get a free 5 yr warranty as well.

JL should pricematch Empire Direct as they do have stores as well. The in-store price should be the same as their online price. You might need to phone the ED branch you intend to get JL to match to make sure they have the Pio in stock or JL might refuse to do the match. Failing all that, you could just go into an ED branch and buy and get the Pioneer 5 year warranty. It's probably not as good as the JL one but at least it's something.
[quote user="dan11111"]

Oh and most of what I watch is SD tv although will probably get sky HD within the next year.


If you mostly watch SD from 3 metres then no need for a 1080p panel, save your money and go for the Panasonic 37PX80 or 42PX80, whichever you are comfortable with. Compare the sizes in the shops.

37PX80 £609

42PX80 £689

at Sound & Vision, Bolton (or go via John Lewis and get a pricematch with free 5 year guarantee)
Thanks everyone! So at 37 there isnt much point in full HD, but what will the difference be in picture quality when watching blu-ray/playing games?

I think that a 42 will be too big, its a shame panasonic dont do a full HD 37 plasma, that would be perfect and probably fit right inside my budget.

I cant seem to get my head around the fact that the new 37 plasma is cheeper that the new 32LCDs. As silly as it sounds I dont want my 37 to be cheper than a 32 lol

Makes it seem like the 32 is better....
I bought the 37PX80 about 3 weeks ago and was planning to upgrade to Sky HD. However, the picture quality with SD is great and I will wait a while longer before upgrading to HD. The picture quality when using a PS3 is fantastic.
[quote user="dan11111"]
Thanks everyone! So at 37 there isnt much point in full HD, but what will the difference be in picture quality when watching blu-ray/playing games?

I think that a 42 will be too big, its a shame panasonic dont do a full HD 37 plasma, that would be perfect and probably fit right inside my budget.

I cant seem to get my head around the fact that the new 37 plasma is cheeper that the new 32LCDs. As silly as it sounds I dont want my 37 to be cheper than a 32 lol

Makes it seem like the 32 is better....

they do last years pz70 [the z means full hd] and they do a full hd lcd too think they might be bringing out a plasma version too but will be the last one so no more 37 plasmas from pana after that 😛
[quote user="darkside82"] they do last years pz70 [the z means full hd] and they do a full hd lcd too think they might be bringing out a plasma version too but will be the last one so no more 37 plasmas from pana after that 😛[/quote]

There was no full HD 37" plasma (PZ70) last year, nor will there be one this year.

As to next year's plasmas, I've no idea. Where do you get your information from?
Hi dan11111. I bought the 37PX80 a couple of weeks back and don't regret it. For months I thought I simple had to have full HD, but once I took the blinkers off it dawned on me I simply didn't need it. The plasma's lack of pixels when compared to the full HD brigade is not an issue because of the way it uses what it has. HD telly from Sky HD is just perfect. If there was a similar sized LCD full HD screen next to it at the same viewing distance, and you didn't know which TV was which, I'd defiy you to tell the difference. I wouldn't worry about the price descrepency between the 37 plasma and the 32 LCD. Your paying the extra for the technology. Whether you opt for the 37 or 42 screen size, and whether you feel plasma or LCD is the format for you, remember one important thing. Only you have the version 1.0 eyeball that you were born with! All the technolgy in the world counts for nothing if in yours eyes, TV 'A' is better than TV 'B'.
[quote user="darkside82"]they do last years pz70 [the z means full hd] and they do a full hd lcd too think they might be bringing out a plasma version too but will be the last one so no more 37 plasmas from pana after that 😛[/quote]

Actually we don't know for sure that this year's 37" Plasma will be the last. Everyone thought there might not be one this year but the market demanded it and Panasonic aren't stupid. Remember that they still favour Plasma tech over LCD and are the main driving force behind the plasma market. I'm sure they'll appraise the market over the next six months and then make a decision.

What is pretty definite though, it that we won't see a 37" Full HD plasma anytime soon. When Panasonic released the 42PZ700 last year, the first Full HD 42" plasma, it was hailed as a technological marvel. Everyone had doubted that that many plasma chambers could fit into a 42" panel. No other company has managed to do it so far - either out of choice (Pioneer deem Full HD to be unnecessary on a 42" panel) or because of the limits of their own technology and the costs of R&D that might be involved. The 37" HD Ready already has less pixels than the 42" equivalent (720 horizontal line as opposed to 768) and in light of this, a Full HD 37" plasma seems of the cards especially when they already produce an LCD that caters for that demand.
Went to Jonh Lewis yesterday. Got a price match on the Pio 4280XD on the spot with Empire Direct (£1199.99 + £30 delivery). JL had one which didn't have a box, so got a further 10% discount.
So paid £1100 for the telly, 5 yr warranty and delivery. Quite pleased actually - that's £700 off rrp. It arrives next friday.
[quote user="PJPro"]Went to Jonh Lewis yesterday. Got a price match on the Pio 4280XD on the spot with Empire Direct (£1199.99 + £30 delivery). JL had one which didn't have a box, so got a further 10% discount.

So paid £1100 for the telly, 5 yr warranty and delivery. Quite pleased actually - that's £700 off rrp. It arrives next friday.

Congratulations mate. That's a great deal. My only piece of advice would be to make sure to inspect the set properly before signing for the delivery. I know it's JL and it should be fine - but it's better to be safe than sorry when dealing with an item sold without a box, no matter who you're dealing with. Other than that enjoy the new telly. Be sure to do a search for Pioneer 8G Settings to get some good starter settings and tips on set-up.
[quote user="rewerb"]
[quote user="darkside82"] they do last years pz70 [the z means full hd] and they do a full hd lcd too think they might be bringing out a plasma version too but will be the last one so no more 37 plasmas from pana after that 😛[/quote]

There was no full HD 37" plasma (PZ70) last year, nor will there be one this year.

As to next year's plasmas, I've no idea. Where do you get your information from?

sorry was a 42 not 37 my mistake
whf lcd group test pana won but they still reckon the older plasma was better
cant remember exactly as left mag at work sure they said a new plasma is due but not going to make ne 37 plasmas after that although not 100 % may have mis read it
mayb if any has a copy handy they could clear this one up not the last issue but one before that cheers
sorry for any confusion
[quote user="FuzzyinLondon"]Be sure to do a search for Pioneer 8G Settings to get some good starter settings and tips on set-up.[/quote]
Fuzzy London, can you recommend a site/web page which would provide me these settings/tips? Who did you use?
Hi Guys

Thanks again for all the response

I made a mistake with my viewing distance i actually sit about 11ft from where my new TV will go so am going to get a 42"

Im thinking about getting the TH-42PZ85B but my only small concern is phosphor lag durng gaming can anyone explain how bad this i likely to be?

Does anyone own one of these/had any success with price matches at JL?
yep mines gettn delivered tomorrow

jl will pricematch sound and vision bolton whatever there current price is mine was matched at 1055 as long as they have a retail outlet you can physically go in they will match it [this is different in scotland though]

ill let you know what their like for gaming once iv sorted out a hdmi lead
[quote user="dan11111"]

Hi Guys

Thanks again for all the response

I made a mistake with my viewing distance i actually sit about 11ft from where my new TV will go so am going to get a 42"

Im thinking about getting the TH-42PZ85B [/quote]

Have you considered the 42PZ80, just hitting the shops now. Cheaper than the PZ85, but same picture quality/spec. Just doesnt have some of the fancy bells and whistles eg. IFC, 24p Real Cinema,

Currently around £900, but price will drop over the next few weeks as it becomes widely available.


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