Plasma TV Choice?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello all,

I am returning my Sony Bravia EX503 after talking to the Salesmen in John Lewis, he agreed that the problems with my Bravia don't sound right and told me to return the set.

After a lot of research I have decided that Plasma may be the right choice for me as the motion tech on LCD's introduce more problems than they solve and motion blur really does put me off, So I need your help I'm looking for a 42" as anything more is too big for my flat and I want 24p support as well as 1080p, not bothered about a lot of features like internet video and HD tuner.

Also how is Intelligent Frame Creation on Panasonic? does it work with out many problems or is it just as bad as the rest of the motion tech? Any help would be great 🙂
It's all personal, I tend to find IFC very artificial, a lot more than Sony's Motionflow, doesn't mean you will.
D3CYPH3R:It's all personal, I tend to find IFC very artificial, a lot more than Sony's Motionflow, doesn't mean you will.
, IFC is pants on this years panas, and, motion on the whole is not great..
I find IFC to be better than the motion processing on the samsung LED LCD TVs that I / family / friends own, but then again, when watching blu rays and HD football it does not need to be on as there are no motion problems.

I can't comment on the Sony sets as I have no recent experience with them.

IFC does add some artefacts around larger items on the screen, but as I said, nowhere near what the samsung processing adds, just IMO though, you should check it out for yourself to see which suits you best.
I think IFC causes more problems than it solves and doesn't enhance motion handling on my Pana G10 (I appreciate this is an older model). With IFC turned on I've noticed some interesting picture anomolies (like vanishing tenis balls) that simply aren't a problem when IFC is disengaged. For that reason I leave this feature turned off.

I don't think any currently available flatscreen deals with motion perfectly, but I hate the way my sister and brother-in-law's Samsung LED TV handles motion (it's blurry with motion processing turned off and the picture seems on fast-forward with motion processing on). Not that this should be taken as criticism of motion handling on all LCD/LED TVs, however.

I think your best bet is to head back to the store, ask the salesperson to let you tinker with sets in your price range, have a quick stab at rudimentary calibration (like switching from dynamic contrast to more natural alternatives) and try each with motion processing options engaged and disengaged. And don't be scared to outstay your welcome. You're parting with cash, so you need to be happy with your purchase. Otherwise, it's potentially another trip to the store a few weeks later...
My advice to you would be to wait for the 2011 panasonic plasmas to come out to see if they have fixed the 50hz motion issues which affected their 2010 plasma range. If they have fixed this I would get one of those. Only one web review site seemed to spot the 50hz motion issues on their 2010 review set last year so I'd certainly check out their 2011 reviews before you purchase. If you do a google search for 'p42gt20b review' you may be able to spot the review I mentioned. Also check out customer reviews, they have to live with the sets whereas professional review sites generally only have a few days to review the tvs.


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