I've got an Oppo 83 SE going analogue into an Arcam AV350 (acting as a pre) and then onto a Arcam FMJ P7. My Speakers are PMC FB1+'s and TB1+'s (5.1).
The set-up has never sounded great (an older, cheaper Arcam set-up in a different room sounds a lot better with the same FB1's) and via a borrowed room equalizer/measurement I've realised its the room (lots of glass) causing the bad sound. I've also got mis-sync'd speech and no way to delay on the the Oppo.
So time to upgrade the Pre! With a budget of 1-2k the Onkyo SC 5507 (now 5508) attached to my P7 looked a good bet with good room correction etc (however it seems to have a lot of bells and whistles I'll never use). My local dealer only has Av888 (out of my price range) or a Rotel 1570 (know nothing about).
Any thoughts on the 5507/8? Any other Pre's I should consider?
The other option is to get a Pioneer SCLX -82 (which with the 83 out now is in a few shops at £1.2k and seems a bargain plus well reviewed) - I could sell the P7 then, but is that a backward step? I get all the tech I need on the 82 (room correction, HD) without paying for things I don't need (9.1, network), but is it going to sound good with my PMC's?
The set-up has never sounded great (an older, cheaper Arcam set-up in a different room sounds a lot better with the same FB1's) and via a borrowed room equalizer/measurement I've realised its the room (lots of glass) causing the bad sound. I've also got mis-sync'd speech and no way to delay on the the Oppo.
So time to upgrade the Pre! With a budget of 1-2k the Onkyo SC 5507 (now 5508) attached to my P7 looked a good bet with good room correction etc (however it seems to have a lot of bells and whistles I'll never use). My local dealer only has Av888 (out of my price range) or a Rotel 1570 (know nothing about).
Any thoughts on the 5507/8? Any other Pre's I should consider?
The other option is to get a Pioneer SCLX -82 (which with the 83 out now is in a few shops at £1.2k and seems a bargain plus well reviewed) - I could sell the P7 then, but is that a backward step? I get all the tech I need on the 82 (room correction, HD) without paying for things I don't need (9.1, network), but is it going to sound good with my PMC's?