Pioneer SC LX 73 vs SC LX 83


New member
Oct 29, 2008
Hi All,

Anyone out there had experience of hearing the SC LX 73 vs the SC LX 83.

A price difference of £500 initially, now about £400 based on current prices.

I have read the specs and know the differences in features and functionality, but what I want to know is, does the SC LX73 get reasonably close to the 83 or is it blown away. The 73 would be more in line with my budget.

One other thing: amps that have high power wattages e.g 180 per channel, does that generally mean that they like to be driven at high volumes or are they equally capable at more normal domestic SPL's . Especially important to me as I tend to listen at moderate levels. Although of course there is Dynamic Volume feature which presumably could work well for my needs.

A competitor for the Pioneer SC LX 73 would be the Marantz SR 7005, which has been getting some pretty amazing reviews and is a more conservative 120 wpc.


You haven't mentioned which speakers you've got. They should be capable enough to bring out the best out of your receiver, & for you to appreciate the difference between the 73 & 83.

More powerful receivers are more at ease at low volumes than the less powerful ones, & tend to sound better. Think of it like a car with a 3 litre engine is more comfortable to drive at 30mph than a car with a 1 litre engine.

Don't get too hung up on wattages, though. System matching is much more important.
I have the sc-lx72 with RX6 pack and I think its amazing.

My room is about, 10m long by 6 meters wide and fills it nice.

I am not interested in 3D so thats why I bought last years model, I dont think, 3D as we know it, will last, I thin the 3rd and forth gens will be able to work of normal equipment and you wont need glasses ect..
canada16 said:
I am not interested in 3D so thats why I bought last years model, I dont think, 3D as we know it, will last, I thin the 3rd and forth gens will be able to work of normal equipment and you wont need glasses ect..

A good quality glasses free 3D TV is about 10 years away. Only Toshiba is planning to launch one next year. I'm sure, being the first TV with such technology, it will be rubbish.

I can't see how TVs 2-3 years down the line will work on the current "normal equipment", because by that time, 3D capable receivers will be the norm.
As BigBoss mentions, it'll depend on your speakers as to whether you'll appreciate the difference between them. The main thing about the LX83 is better DAc's, improving quality. One other aspect, which is a no brainer for some, is the remote that comes with the LX83 is also RF compatible, so you can place the receiver out of sight. This remote can be bought separately for the LX73, but at a cost of £400.

The power rating is only informative if it's measured as 'all channels driven". Most AV receivers will work well at all volumes, but the detail of e Pioneer works well at lower volumes too. Many softer, warmer sounding amps lose their detail and impact at lower volumes.

The Marantz is also an excellent AV receiver, especially for those who want a receiver that will be at the heart of a streaming system. The Marantz is better specced in this department.
Hi Guys,

Many thanks for all your replies.

I am using Neat Motive 2s for the front channels with their dedicated centre speaker, plus M&K rear surrounds. Plus a Naim N sub. These are items from systems I have used over the years, hence the mix n match approach!

The front L & R channels will be driven by my Rega Osiris integrated amp, as I will be integrating my stereo system into the AV set up. So whatever AV amp I eventually go for will only run the centre/surrounds. The M&Ks 55's cost around £800 and are a 4ohm load, so they will appreciate a juicy amp. I probably will be going for some higher end Kudos speakers at a later date.

I am presently using a Yamaha RXV 1800 AV receiver, but I would like to take a worthwhile step up without the silly price tags. My Rega stereo amp is a costly item, so I would like a decent AV amp which will not be seriously outclassed by my Rega.

Kind regards

I was in a similar situation to you recently and I went for the LX83, its a far better AV and considering your setup, this would be the most beneficial.
While I haven't tried the LX73, the LX83 has no issues driving the RX8 fronts even at high volumes (the RX8's are 4 ohm as well). Others may have a different view but I can confidently say that I really like the LX83. It is quite large and heavy though.
Yes the SC LX 83 is a bit on the large side and the height would be a particular problem. I would only have 2cm clearance in an open cabinet (at the back).

Does the SC LX 83 run particularly hot, like the Onkyo's apparently do.

The Onkyo's don't run as hot as they used to, but they do like plenty of clearance. The Pioneer 73 and 83, Even though they use digital amplification and run cooler than many receivers, they like some clearance too. I would normally give all receivers at least a couple of inches, and those that run hotter about twice that.


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