Pioneer LX 52 or LX-71


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello WHT and others,

would be grateful if you could advice me on the choice between above mentioned players.

FYI: Play CD via separate Yamaha CDs-1000.

Was deciding between Sony 760 and Pioneer LX 52. After some reading on the forums decided to go for the LX52 (which seems to be seen by Clare as the better player).

Then got advice from a HIFI provider who prefrerred the LX71 over the LX52 (and clearly chose the LX52 over the Sony 760). Do you share that view (both views)?

Thanks in advance for the support in this decision process!

Kind regards,

And no, I am not a HIFI provider
, just incase anyone was wandering.
Then got advice from a HIFI provider who prefrerred the LX71 over the LX52 (and clearly chose the LX52 over the Sony 760). Do you share that view (both views)?

What was the basis of his choice?
gel:And no, I am not a HIFI provider
, just incase anyone was wandering.

I figured it must have been YOU!
Andrew Everard:
gel:And no, I am not a HIFI provider
, just incase anyone was wandering.


The quick and witty Andrew is a little slow on the uptake today?
Garland Genoho:The quick and witty Andrew is a little slow on the uptake today?

Not a clue what you're on about...
Hello Andrew, thanks for your reply.

One of the reasons I asked (as I read the magazine I am aware of the awards) you was that I remembered Claire having a preference for the LX 52 with regards to picture and sound over the Sony 760 but that it was clear that this came with an extra 100 Pound/Euro pricetag.

@Claire: could you be so kind to react on this? Do I remember that correctly out of another topic?

And secondary (WHT and others): in the case of the choice for Pioneer: would the LX 52 be preferable over the LX-71?

By the way: Blu ray will be connected to Marantz 8002 AV and to Pio LX5090.

Thanks for the advice and trouble taken!

Good question with the LX71 and LX52 Bluray, I'm in the same boat deciding on a Pioneer amp, pioneer bluray and speakers to go with my LX5090 but comparing the spec sheet with the 2 the 52 seems far more capable having profile 2.0 where the LX71 is only 1.1. The 52 also ticks other boxes where the 71 doesn't...

Hopefully I will be hearing these blurays go at the weekend and if they have both on demo I will let you know what I think [😀

I look forward to see what other peoples responses are on this question....
Yes, the Pioneer BDP-LX52 has the edge over the Sony '760 - but not massively, which in price/performance terms (plus spec, with the Sony's wi-fi support) makes the Sony the better buy, if not the better player.

As for Pioneer 'LX52 vs the 'LX71, i'd definitely take the newer player. The 'LX52 benefits from an extra year of Pioneer's sound and vision engineering expertise, plus is Profile 2.0 and faster-loading. It's not as solidly built as the Pioneer 'LX71, but that's no criticism - just praise for the older player's bombproof build!

Just waiting for Gel - loyal to the end to his 'LX71 - to come along and disagree with me, as usual.
gel:I would not dare Clare, trust me.

Oh, by all means gel - don't hold your tongue now! Speak up, man!!!

Hello Clare,

thanks for the reply.

A few last small questions:

- is the Sony760 with regards to loading time faster then the Pioneer LX 52?

- Still in doubt as the advantage for the LX52 would be that I don't get an extra remote (as I have the LX5090) and that the sound and picture quality is better (where it counts for me) if I understood you correctly?

- Build qualtity also sees better from the LX52 or is that not true?

Thanks for supporting this decision process. It seems to be quite difficult to spend money wisely 🙂.
The Sony does load faster than the Pioneer, but not massively so - the 'LX52 certainly isn't interminable, unlike some older models.

And yes, you'll have the advantage of single-remote operation, plus slightly superior performance.

Build quality isn't massively different between the two - both are solid-enough, smart-looking units that should serve users well for some time.

If you don't mind paying the premium for the Pioneer's slight performance uplift - and in your case extra convenience (though losing the Sony's wi-fi convenience), i'd go for it!
Hello Clare,

thanks for the advice and help.

LX-52 it will be.

Kind regards,



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