Phono stage hissing


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2008
My phono stage which until tonight has been fine, has suddenly started hissing loudly in a white noise sort of way. This is on the MM setting, if switched to MC it's hissing, but more bassy.

Is this the sound of death? I've tried it using different inputs on my amp, but it sounds the same. I've also disconnected the power supply from the turntable, but the amp still hisses. Other sources play fine.

The phono stage is a Rotel RQ970BX, turntable Rega P3-24, with Ortofon Red Cartridge.

Any suggestions welcome
Sounds like a component has left this mortal coil to me. A transistor has ceased to be...
Thanks for the replies, I've done a quick check and the contacts on the cartridge are sound and touching the tone arem does not increase or reduce the noise, neither does it cause any microphony effect such as a light tap on the arm echoing through the amp. I also disconnected the inputs to the phono stage, then silence, could the turntable be at fault?
Hi, a good result then. Could you not sell the Rotel on for spares or repair? They are excellent phono amps and can compete with the best budget stages of today.
I'm giving it serious consideration, but am off on holiday soon, so need to see if my electronics whizz brother in law can fix it.

Will then probably look to sell it, either working or for repair, depends on the cost of parts as my labour will be free!