Phono/RCA Interconnects


New member
Jul 9, 2010
Hi, can anyone help me, I need some 2m RCA/phono interconnects for my CDP & pre/power amp connections.

I have a Marantz CD63 KI Mk2 , via a Cambridge Dacmagic, into a Technics SU-C1000Mk2 pre and bi-amped SE-A1000Mk2 power amps supplying Klipsch Heresy speakers.

At present I am using QED cables exclusively and happy with the overall sound. ( Qnect2/Qcoax/biwire XT Silver Anniversary).

But due to a different cabinet/layout, need to increase the length of some of the interconnects.

I don't want to spend too much to achieve this, but want to keep a similar smooth and detailed sound.

Thanks for any responses, Richard.....
Any indication of actual ceiling price?

I have the same CDP and DAC, although they are not part of the main set-up now. I found that Atlas Compass digital worked a treat between CDP and DAC and that Merlin Chopins suited DAC to amp duty very nicely. Both Atlas and Merlin have been doing some great deals recently. However, I advise checking out the ability to audition with the option to return.

The QED speaker cable you have is one I have used and liked, although I have moved on to Chord Odyssey now - it gave that bit 'more'.
I was hoping to achieve something in the £30-£60 range, being ever the

I keep hearing good things about SHB cables......

I was hoping to achieve something in the £30-£60 range, being ever the

I keep hearing good things about SHB cables......

Firstly the SHB: for the price they are excellent value, but use with great care. I actually have several of them! I intend to sell them on before the year is out because the system I now have offers balanced XLR in addition to standard RCA, which makes most of my cables surplus. The SHB cables have a very good sound at the price point but can sound excessively bright on some systems. Though you will get plenty of detail and clarity, not to mention a good bass, from them, personally I did find that they could become too much after a while. However, we are all different (as is hi-fi) so these cables could be suitable, particularly if your system needs livening up.

If you like a smooth sound, then Van den Hul offer that, and can often be found at good prices on Fleabay. The Atlas and Merlin cables I mentioned may be found occasionally under £60 but not often if you are talking 2m lengths. Of course, there are those who swear by Van Damme I/Cs which are relatively inexpensive and are supposed to offer a good performance for a reasonable cost.
I need to be careful that I don't get a bright/forward sound, which I don't enjoy, but need a good bass extension for the Klipsch.

As these speakers use horns for the top and mid units and although use 12" bass drivers don't 'belt' out low frequencies. In fact until the system move I was using a REL Storm sub, but in the new (smaller) room was too much.
There's a wide range to choose from out there, have a look at the content of the cables, and see what you think. How they're made up and what they're able to do against what each manufacturer or review claims they can. Mine were less than a tenner, but they're well built and it was that, over the price, which was the deciding factor. YMMV.

I need to be careful that I don't get a bright/forward sound, which I don't enjoy, but need a good bass extension for the Klipsch.

As these speakers use horns for the top and mid units and although use 12" bass drivers don't 'belt' out low frequencies. In fact until the system move I was using a REL Storm sub, but in the new (smaller) room was too much.

In which case, although I support Will and his SHB range, I do not recommend his products. Probably just too much for your tastes.
Thanks ESP2009, that's what I was thinking after your last post..............

Had a quick look on Ebay and there isn't alot about in 2m lengths, although the Van Damme is available terminated, as suggested by another 'poster'..........

And don't shoot me down, so are Belkins', which are very cheap........does that reflect their relative performance too?

Thanks ESP2009, that's what I was thinking after your last post..............

Had a quick look on Ebay and there isn't alot about in 2m lengths, although the Van Damme is available terminated, as suggested by another 'poster'..........

And don't shoot me down, so are Belkins', which are very cheap........does that reflect their relative performance too?

To a certain extent, the lack of 2m lengths is probably down to the 'fact' that it is received wisdom that longer lengths are more prone to loss of signal (and so sound) quality. Keep the path short and keep the signal true. For longer cable paths the balanced XLR route is preferred...if the kit features it.
ziggy47:Hi, thanks for that...where did you obtain the Computergear cables?......................

They were a purchase in an computer shop in Edinburgh last year. Decent build for the money, but nothing spectacular. Soundwise, I found they made no difference, for better or worse, than the established brands I'd used. In fairness, the construction is decent, so we're not comparing bellwire to good stuff here. This is very likely a similar internal build with a cheaper external cover and interconnect plugs, but otherwise, they're as good as more expensive designs costing up to - in my experience - around £65 (so, van den hul's "The Name", Audioquest's Copperhead).

They have an online site too:- - shop around and you'll pick these up for beer money.
Thanks ESP2009, that's what I was thinking after your last post..............

Had a quick look on Ebay and there isn't alot about in 2m lengths, although the Van Damme is available terminated, as suggested by another 'poster'..........

And don't shoot me down, so are Belkins', which are very cheap........does that reflect their relative performance too?

Belkin is a major cable maker who also sell to the computer and pro-audio markets, who will not pay the same money for cables that audiophiles will. Hence their prices are lower, but not the quality.
Meant to say earlier, which I only realised when I re-read the thread and saw you wanted a longer interconnect, is that mine are 2m and the price I paid reflected the cost of those and not the cheaper 1m set I linked to. Apologies for any confusion.


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