Philips Essence 42PES0001 & 42PFL9664. Does anybody own one?

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ive had the 9664 for a week and it gets better by the day. i watched casino royale (no sniggering!) sat night on itv in sd and the picture was simply stunning, cant believe a flat tv can produce such a picture in sd, certainly not what i was seeing on shop floors with poor connections/feed i suppose.

i havent suffered much if any motion issues perhaps im not looking for it, certainly nothing has jumped out at me, ive watch quite a bit of football and theres no issues what so ever, which is good as im a footie fan!
People are gonna talk j4mm3r!

I only watched the England game a bit back (not a footy fan) and that was fine with Natural Motion min / 200hz on and there was none of the lost ball in the crowd stuff I've seen on Sony Z's. The tennis was also fine (though I don't watch that normally - wanted to 'test' the TV with rapid ball motion). The Cycling on ITV4 is best with it on (though I am getting used to the more hand motion shakey everything off viewing my lady likes).

I have noticed that some films (and US TV with rapid motion and choppy gestures) look better with Natural Motion off as with it on there can be speeded up hand motions and headturns. We sometimes watch friends at teatime (as there is nothing else on to have with a cuppa) and this is much better with it off. With the film Ghost it had to be turned off as the shots in Wall Street with many people passing at speed close to the camera were not very comfortable and the recently deceased main man had a very large halo in his office as he filled the screen in a fast motion right to left. There was also a bit right at the end where Whoopi took the metal cladding behind her with her for a moment. None of that with it off (though there is more pan judder - though this is judder you would get on a CRT as I have had the 2 screens running side by side and the CRT judders on these medium speed pans). We watched The Last Samurai with it turned off and that was very impressive (might try it with it on to compare)

This is standard def scaled by the TV. Maybe it is better when it does not have to scale as well as some of it 'feels' like a scaling effect to my eyes (just an idea - will compare with HD as and when).
Philips 42PFL9664 is superb,you wont get a better tv even at the price.I love mine,got it delivered from john lewis a month ago and its superb with stand def but amazing with high def.I even upgraded my blu-ray player from a panasonic dmp-bd30 to a pioneer bdp-lx52 to maximise the picture its that good.
I thought I would add in my recent experience of owning the Philips 42PFL9664, bought approx 10 days ago.


  • Lovely set, well put together and looks fantastic
  • Lots of connections including USB, SCART and HDMI
  • Has wireless built in for web-browsing or streaming (not that I would do so wirelessly)
  • Great picture quality, vibrant, sharp
  • Very easy to follow menu system
  • Ambilight - is excellent and does make you feel more immersed
  • High quality remote control, really very nice indeed


  • I suffered really really bad motion sickness with it, my wife was fine
  • Motion sickness. Really bad.
  • Sometimes it doesn't switch off properly using the touch-sensitive buttons on the side, might be that I do not have the knack of it yet
  • Did I mention the motion sickness?

The motion sickness was when watching a standard definition film on DVD and regular Sky broadcasts. I then set the screen up to "Cinema" mode and disabled all of the extra features, including the Natural Motion etc and things improved somewhat, but still having problems.

This evening I shall "calibrate" it using a THX DVD and then watch that film to see if it makes any difference. Update to follow, watch this space!

Watching my old Panasonic 42" TH42PWD6 plasma in place of the Philips LCD gives me no problems at all (we recently moved house so wanted to check the old screen out in case there were external factors affecting me), we watched the Brazil F1 Grand Prix yesterday and I had no sickness or eye strain.

Real issue for me is I have owned it for about a week and taking it back to Richer Sounds will cost me 15% of its purchase price according to their Returns Policy!! Gulp.

Am already considering getting another Panasonic plasma (the G10) and hope to not have the same problems.

Oh yes and before I forget, there was a comment about how large the box was, well it fitted on my back seats (VW Passat) in the upright position without much problem.
The difference in SD quality between j4mm3r and Badamz could be the AVR receiver. The 2310 has the newer Anchor Bay video processing chip.

I have only read reviews and cannot give personal experience but am looking to purchase a 9664 / 2310 combo in a month or so and have trawled through countless forums and reviews.
Motion sickness? anyone else had that? (from a TV).

I am about to buy this set, I do get motion sock in cars and cant play first person shooters either!
One of our reviewers is v.affected by over-processing on TVs, but he was fine with the Philips. I've had trouble with some motion-processing modes in past, but again, not with these Philips. Plus any sets' processing modes can (and typically should) be turned down low/off anyway!
Im also getting the 9664 in a few weeks and im also prone to motion sickness while travelling. Thanks for the info, its good to know it shouldn't likely be a problem


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