Petition for High Definition Music Downloads.

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Craig M.

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Mar 20, 2008
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Trefor Patten said:
(I have abandoned all hope of ever getting people to realise that CD's is NOT the plural of CD) :wall:

Don't give up just yet!

Trefor Patten

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Mar 31, 2008
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Guys your humour puts this grumpy old git to shame. Sometimes I can't help myself as language matters to me. Not so much a question of ducks, more that I enjoy a good grouse. (Especially the kind that comes in a bottle)


woodster said:
Ian64od said:
Agreed, sign the petition and worry about the details later.

Jeepers, let me sign, let me sign. I dont want to read what Im signing and you can change it all later, but I will sign anyway. The contract is about the detail, ask for what you want and a little more as a bargaining chip.

Who reads the small print anyway, Doh!

it's just the principle that matters here, if we ask for 24/192 we might get 24/96.


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Mar 3, 2010
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First of all let me say that I applaud you having the balls to draw up the petition. Take that as read.

But secondly can I also reiterate what a couple of others have said/inferred, that if you at all want any petition to be taken seriously by 'the powers that be', the grammar and spelling has to be absolutely top drawer. So if you can find the time to amend what you've written (assuming it wouldn't clear all your current signatures?) then I'll happily sign it.


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Sep 25, 2008
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Hi guys,

I've now changed the wording from Lables to Labels!

I am a bit dyslexic (thanks goodness for google to help me spell that one!) so obviously I just overlooked it.

If there is anything else that is wrong, I would appreciate the help!


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Jun 14, 2011
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Craig M. said:
I personally couldn't care less about the 'hi res' aspect of it, but I would like CDs/downloads to be available without the dynamic compression the loudness wars have brought about.

Absolutely spot-on. What's the point of listening hi-res compressed junk? The additional SQ of so-called Hi-res is still hotly debated by many but few of us deny that much of the music we love is abysmally recorded & still sounds poor when coded in low-res MP3 where high quality stuff re-coded downwards can sound acceptable.

It's not the bit rate that's the so important but the amount of amplitude distortion arefacts from using too much compression. As an aside, I find it more than a little ironic that "professional audio" doesn't get involved with the subjectivism that many "audiofiles" obsess over but produce measurable crud in the name of music instead!


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Sep 25, 2008
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If anyone is interested, I've decided to start a facebook group as a focus point.

I've also posted in more detail the though behind the petition and why its important.


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Mar 3, 2010
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Well done, but just one important correction if I may. You wrote:

"the high levels of compression used is making music listenable..."

...and I'm assuming you meant 'unlistenable'


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Nov 21, 2010
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Trefor Patten said:
Guys your humour puts this grumpy old git to shame. Sometimes I can't help myself as language matters to me. Not so much a question of ducks, more that I enjoy a good grouse. (Especially the kind that comes in a bottle)

Language clearly doesn't matter to you sufficiently for you to put full stops at the end of sentences when they appear in brackets. Twice in the same thread.


Oh dear! It's the grammar police. Armed with copies of 'Eats, Shoots and Leaves', Sir Pedant abounds in the hifi thread.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Come on there must be more of us out there that want this?

Sign up guys cmon now.

(Not to/too much grandma, oops meant gramma i hope?...)(or maybe grammar/inflexion springs to mind also!)

Keep to the point you say, lets do just that.


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Nov 21, 2010
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OneBoxSystem said:
Oh dear! It's the grammar police. Armed with copies of 'Eats, Shoots and Leaves', Sir Pedant abounds in the hifi thread.

If that's aimed at me, your criticism is misdirected. I never comment on such errors unless people choose to be offensive hypocrites.


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Sep 25, 2008
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I'm still alive! Just very busy with work, don’t normally get home till gone 7pm and after being out the house for 12+ hrs my brain is normally fried, so if you can find it in your heart to forgive my poor spelling and grammar, it would be much appreciated! (Managed to sneak off this afternoon though)

As I said, ideally, I'd like some help whether its from some English master, to check what I write, or someone to forward an email template to retailers, manufactures and studio's etc. Was hoping to use the facebook group for that purpose.

Just for clarification, I want to end the "loudness" wars too. But I also think that introducing a 24Bit audio, is the way forward if the industry isn’t going to stagnate. I also feel that it would create interest in itself as people seek "the best".

If every person who read the post signed the petition, it would go a lot further. It’s an opportunity to at least try and get change, if everyone just has a groan to themselves but does nothing how can anyone expect things to change.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Here Here Michael. Dont worry about spelling and grammar my friend! Mines not always the best of class sir.

What matters is you have grasped the concept, and god love you for that. Vinyl is still out there, in my opinion is still about the best sounding format.(If you can afford the thousands it needs to do it justice.) BUT... most music is now stored and relayed digitally. Its the future, there it is. So why cant we have it at high res please? ALL of it please, at a reasonable price?

We can dream i spose( Bad grandma example!) On a serious note now. Keep on with the good work, hesitate not.

You can count upon my support. Hopefully many more of us that will support you also.


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Jun 2, 2008
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Surely we can agree that there are some things that must be spelt and punctuated correctly...

...laws, application forms, CVs, books/newspapers/magazines, instruction manuals, patents, scientific journals, examination papers, textbooks, websites, official documents, contracts... and so on... etc.

I would think the text of a petition falls into that category.

It is an appeal or request or demand, representing the wishes of many people, to an authority or other body that has the power to effect change. If that appeal is rendered in the least part incoherent (or ambiguous) by grammatical errors, or poor spelling, then it's impact on the recipient is diminished to some degree.


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