After listening to the peoples comments on various forums the petition title has been changed to:
“Stop the loudness wars and release High Definition Music Downloads”[/b]
Petition Link:[/b]
Facebook Group:[/b]
I had emailed all those who signed the petition for comment before doing so.
Please note that while many would like to see a fundamental change within the industry so that no record is heavily compressed, this is not realistic as no doubt the record labels / retailers would argue that many people prefer the music “louder” (Even though we may fundamentally disagree).
Instead the petition focus would be for record labels and retailers to offer uncompressed downloads alongside[/b] the “mainstream offering” in the download market[/b] in both 16 Bit & 24 Bit format. It’s not realistic to expect an uncompressed CD to be brought to market alongside the “normal” version.
My personal opinion is that if a new product market is created the focus should be on 24 Bit downloads and advertised as “the best”, as even modestly priced equipment is able to playback 24 Bit files and it’s also important for the industry to move forward.
If you agree and haven’t already done so, please sign the petition and ask your friends to do so too.
If change is ever going to happen then we need people’s participation. Thanks