pc to active monitors connection?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
best way to connect the above anyone? using a stock mini jack to mini jack lead at the min and get the feeling i could be doing better!

connecting lineout from my soundblaster x-fi to my audioengine a5's & listening mainly to ripped cd's.

any reccomendations welcome.

thanks in advance, nick


anyone? in reference to the thread about the aego m's, think i might have a similar situation, depending on how the a5's measure up. is it just me or do none of the reputable (chord, qed and the like) cable companies do a humble mini jack to mini jack lead? or is there a better way i could be connecting?

dont get me wrong, im happy with my set up, just want to get the best out of it really. on the subject, what are other peoples experiences of PC based music set-ups? (ie soundcard used as source) with the big ipod trend of late it seems funny i cant seem to find much info regarding this matter...


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2007
I'm a fan of the PC as source thing, just so you know you're not alone. I can't be of any real help tho I'm afraid - I'v never used active speakers, and a, still something of a novice in the hifi world. Anyway, thought I'd give your thread a bump.


im getting the feeling this kinda setup isnt really worthy of a cable upgrade...

but cheers mate! im still learning too. what sort of setup do you have? i used to use a well old jvc amp hooked upto some equally knackered sony speakers, thought i deserved better!


The problem here is that not many Hi-Fi cable manufacturers recognise the 3.5mm to 3.5mm cable. Profigold do a suitable cable. Chord might do a version of thier iChord. other than that im not too sure.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
I'm the User who posted the Aego M thread.

Not sure that I totally agree with your comments regarding cable upgrades.....although I may after I have rec'd my bespoke cables from Chord.

I am disappointed at the limited interest in the threads I have posted requesting help and advice. Not sure of the reason, but suspect this forum is not necessarily the best for this sort of sub hifi kit (no offence meant to you or your kit). Either the audiophile contributors do not know the answers to our questions (because they do not have the kit we are requesting information on), the questions ahve already been answered and we can't find them or it just doesn't peak their interest. This is not meant as a critism, simply an observation.

I have been/will be keeping my thread going regarding the cable upgrade for the Aego M to provide other sub hifi kit owners with the some indication of what a cable upgrade can do for them. Nigel Finn (Technical Director - Chord) has suggested that I should definately see an improvement in performance with the upgraded speaker cable. Need to be careful here really as I suspect that better cabling will only allow more of the signal through.....maybe making the system sound more bright for instance (due to the limitations of the Aego M amp). I did consider buying a Fatman iTube (a stonking deal available a Superfi at the moment with 1/3 off).....see this thread for my original question http://whathifi.com/forums/t/6725.aspx .....to overcome the limitations of the Aego M amp but, again, no replies to my questions so I am a little reluctant to splash out and not be able to plug the whole thing together.

I have to say, however, I do not have the experience or training to claim to have the ear of an audiophile. So any perceived performance improvement due to cable upgrades will be my best judgement. I will be objective and will come clean if I feel my money has been wasted or not spent to best effect.

I do have a hifi sitting in my living room, which I guess would be described as budget. It's a few years old and I bought it following the advice of WhatHifi and my own ears. I have to say though that I have spent more time listening to music on my sub hifi kit since I've had it. Streaming media to my kitchen system and using playlists has been a real and unexpected revelation resulting from the purchase of my PS3.

Oh and I did stumble across a thread meantioning Maplins as a good source for budget cable. I can't find the thread but do recall the brand......see this link http://www.maplin.co.uk/Search.aspx?menuno=13587&MenuName=Profigold%20-%20Audio&FromMenu=y&worldid=-10&doy=27m1


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Sorry. Just realised that you wanted mini jack to mini jack and it doesn't seem that Profigold do them (at Maplins anyway). Suggest you post a request on this link...


They may be able to make one for you and surprisingly it's not that much money.


thanks for the responses and advice guys, much appeciated.

the problem i have is i cant really speak from experience, im new to all this really. but i agree, this 'sub' kit as you call it doesnt seem to get a lot of attention....funny how i brought my a5's pretty much on the strength of a review by a guy saying they werent far off his £2000 odd setup!! an outlandish claim but i certainly spurred me on! the point you make about the brightness is interesting aswell...could better cable really expose the shortcomings of your setup?? i suppose that makes your ultimate choice a lot more important!

i just hope i havent compromised too much because of my choice of source.

i will keep an eye on your thread, will be interesting to see the outcome.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
If this is what you are looking for, there are quite a few alternatives on audiovisualonline.com. I have used them before and they are very quick and offer free delivery over £10 spent. http://www.audiovisualonline.co.uk/dynamic/eshop_products.set/ref/1518/vandamme-stereo-3.5mm-jack-to-jack-white-cable-1m/display.html


thats that covered, think im gonna go for a QED one.

now for the speaker cable. ive tried some silver anni xt but it doesnt fit! am i right in thinking the micro type will?


my xfi looks as if it only has jack type connections...
but i will certainly look into that! many thanks!


got my qed interconnects (performance j2j and j2p) today btw...cant tell the difference between those and my old crappy ones! thoughts anyone?


[quote user="nickjr1985"]

got my qed interconnects (performance j2j and j2p) today btw...cant tell the difference between those and my old crappy ones! thoughts anyone?


The "I believe in the placebo effect" brigade will say you must have faulty hearing. You haven't, interconnects at line level will sound the same as long as they connect properly.


To get the best sound from your pc I would recommend:
1) to install Asio4all on your pc: http://www.asio4all.com/
2) to use an external sound card as you currently do
3) to connect the sound card with an external dac like the bereford previously recommended by frOg
As an extra: use EAC and preferably a cd-r drive to accurately rip.