Panny 42PX80 and sky news


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all. I wondered if any other plasma users are having the same problem as me. When watching sky news there is text constantly scrolling across the bottom of the screen,half of the time it scrolls fine but will then start to judder and vibrate for up to ten seconds before reverting to smooth scrolling. In WHF review this set actually gets a mention for handling scrolling text well so what gives? I have sky HD via QED HDMI and would be very grateful for any experiences shared.
Hi there.

I have the same issue, i do believe most do. I was told it is something to do with interlacing.

As there are there are both the main image and the horizontally moving ticker bar.

Nothing to worry about.

I'm sure someone will be able to help me here and explain this in more technical terms.
I have the PX80 and the SKY tickers are fine. On other forums there is mention of problems with some SKY HD boxes causing problems with the tickers. I have SKY SD through Virgin.
It seems to be the case of judder when connected via HDMI and smooth motion when connected via SCART


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