Panasonic DMP BD30 Blu Ray


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi guys

I have set up my Blu Ray player with my PZ80B tv and set the blu Ray player to output in 24p, when playing a BD i still notice some judder (not quite as bad as my previous PZ70B TV) with slow camera panning shots.

I understand this TV should cope properly with 24fps?

Is it my eyes or have i set the Blu Ray player up incorrectly? Would the player not select 24fps automatically?

Sorry for all the questions but some help would be appreciated

Have you set it to output always at 24fps or auto, i had problems because i set it to always output at 24fps even when the source was not 24fps, when i set it to auto, as in only output at 24fps when it senses it the problem seemed a lot better.
sorry my friend but i dont think you are doing any thing wrong i bought a bd 30 i a kuro screen which is supposed to handle 24fps better than most but im afraid every camera pan stuttered on my bd30 this was with the firmware update dont purchaes a ps3 its even worse if you can get your money back i did and wait for the big guys to release one

Thanks for the response, as you can imagine i am pretty pi***d off about this.

I originaly had a PZ70b TV and used my play station to watch BDs, i noticed terrible judder immediately and complained to Comet on the basis that they sent me a TV not fit for intended use, to be fair they swapped it with the newer model when available and with the remaining credit i purchased the Panasonic Blu ray player, after reading many reviews for both these models and talking with Panasonic staff at their shop i was assured of judder free BD playback

Why does it still judder? any ideas?
I use a ps3 and do not suffer. Maybe i am lucky, very rarely i see any hint of stutter.
Hi enverity1,

I'd also take a look at your TV's picture settings and make sure sharpness isn't turned up too high and turn off all picture enhancement technologies. Then you can go through each in turn and see if they help/hinder picture quality.
Hi Andy

tried all the above, sadly this is Telecine Judder and is as bad as my PZ70, have spoken to Panasonic at Bracknell and they assure me the PZ80 is capable of handling 24fps correctly! they want me to send my BD so they can play at their office with a set up the same as mine, hopefully they will come up with an answer as it is starting to frustrate a little
You know it's amazing and in my true to fashion negative approach to all the wonders that Hi Definition TV and domestic Home Cinema has apparently brought us, or not as the case may be( taking stock from the vast majority of woes I have read on many forums of late) nothing seems to work properly when all these so called classy perihperals are plugged into each other.

You seem to have so much hardware working against each other instead of with each other and so many different profiles and standards even with various cables used that one has to ask one self is it really worth all the expense ( and in many cases extra expense) and effort endeavoring to end up with a system you can rely on and with which you can be truly happy

The answer is probably yes but that would mean all manufacturers conforming to an agreed Standard across the board i.e Keep it Simple

Consumers want to go and buy their new TV, DVD, Blu Ray Players and AV Amps , and cables.....Plug everything in...flick the switch and enjoy their entertainment system

Believe it or not I used to be quite sane before I embarked upon my quest to learn and experience more about the new age of crystal clear Hi Definition Sound and Vision

Great response!

I will say this my JVC 32" surround sound TV had an amazing picture, i set up a Panasonic amp with DVD player and 5 speakers and it was awesome.

OK the picture was not quite as clear bit it did not shake as things scrolled off the screen, if only i knew then what i know now i can assure you i would have left well alone
i too have had a couple of flat screens since getting rid of my 32 inch 100hz sony qnd they have been awfull till the pioneer at the moment i still use a toshiba hd xe1 to watch hd dvd and dvds even that stutters a little bit on dvd and hd but no where as much as the pana i think home cinema heaven is possible but not for a few years but i agree with the other guy we need a standard
sounds like your not on auto mate get ya local hi fi /sound shop to come round and check it prob cost ya £50 but worth it

Just had a replacement unit and now no issues, Panasonic said it was motion circuits causing the issue, i have watched the same Blu Ray again and Camera Panning shots are now extremely smooth with no judder and believe me i was looking very closely

Thanks for your comments guys
Hi there enverity1,

just read your thread with interest. I've had a panasonic DMP-BD30 Blu Ray since May and have had the motion blurring or judder that you have mentioned when you turn 24fps on.

I have had this problem from day one with every BluRay Disc, but due to a new arrival and family / work commitments, I havent had much chance to pursue it.

My question is, How did you go about sorting it out? I have rung Panasonic (their customer service has put me right off Panasonic after being a fan for years), many times but they say there is no none fault, or why dont i just watch with 24fps turned off or it must be my Blu Rays!!

I have my lcd tv turned on to recieve 24fps but it happens whenever the camera pans. Its like an Aura around the person that judders when the camera moves. This doesnt happen when you turn 24 frames off on the BluRay player but then you obviously dont get the added benefits of this new function.



Panasonic TX-37LZD800, Chord silver 1.3 HDMI, Sky HD, Sony RDR-HXD 1070B, Panasonic DMP-BD30


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