POA is a particular bugbear of mine. If I want to buy something, I want to know how much it is. If I know what I want exactly, then cost and delivery is really all that's going to vary. The internet lets us compare costs very easily, so I won't go to the bother of phoning round people who won't advertise thier price online, especially where they have an online ordering facility of other products. If I want advice or help, then I'm happy to phone or visit the shop and pay for it, but if I just want to buy a widget you've missed your chance to tell me when I see widgets at POA rather than a price. If I'm in the mood for a chat I might call, but if I want to buy something on the internet, I'll probably go to someone who is actually letting me buy it there and then.
As for magazine ads, I can understand they go to the press and prices/exchange rates change, etc...but why have a whole page of part codes and the odd picture of a receiver or TV, next to which every single line says "POA"??? Save on ink...don't mention prices at all! Use the space wisely to tell us about your facilities, your company, your ethos, not a parts list with no prices. Either you have a transactional mail order/internet business or you don't. Your website should have live pricing info whether we can buy online or not (as some manufacturers won't let you sell online). Or if you aren't in that sort of market and want to deal with your customers in person and give them value in the form of your services, then don't place the sort of adverts which imply a transactional business but then fails to deliver the most critical information, price.
roger06: RS have recently lost a purchase by me as they won't deliver - I really don't want to spend an hour each way in the car to pay 80p per fifteen minutes to park in Brighton and all that petrol when other places offer free delivery.
I agree with your point about the hour in the car each way. You value your time and have to weigh up whether it is worth the trip for you, or if you can get it more conveniently another way, whilst perhaps costing you a little more money. I'm not a big fan of Richer Sounds, but one thing to note is that they will actually pay for your parking!! Their Glasgow store advertises this and a quick visit to the info page of their Brighton store also states they will refund your parking! Fair play, they probably realise some of their stores aren't in the most car friendly places, so they are trying to make it that little bit easier for you to justify a visit.