over ear headphones for gym and outdoor use?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
looking to get a pair for my creative mp3 player, ill be using them for walking on the beach (in all weather), and for the gym, i quite like the look of the igrado's, but they are open back and i dont want to annoy people in the gym, would they hear them?

ive seen a pair of sennheiser px200 on ebay these are closed back, would something like them be more suitable for the gym?

does it make any difference having open or closed back phones for outdoor use? do i need some kind of sport/all weather headphones? i cannot wear anything but overear, those silly in ear ones drive me mad they keep falling out.. ta..

edit. my budget is around £40..


New member
Jun 16, 2008
Nike Aero headphones - on ear, neckband, central cable exit. Interweb prices vary wildly so shop around.

Sennheiser PMX680 - Tyson Gay recommends. Rugged cables

Personally I've had a pair of Nike's with the central cable exit for years (earlier version of the current Aero model), excellent for when your ears get really sweaty in the gym.


thanks mike. i wonder how much sound leakage there is from open backed phones? i would prefer them because they apparently sound better, but i dont want to bother others in the gym..


New member
Jun 16, 2008
There is a bit of leakage which may cause a problem in the reading room of a library but I found it was was drowned out by the aircon, the treadmills and my gasps for air :) It's certainly not as prevalent as proper hifi open back headphones.

The most important things about headphones for the gym/outdoor jogging are :

Will they stay on, are they comfortable (thus allowing you to forget they're there and concentrate on the workout and girls), are they rugged enough to withstand lots of cable movement and sweat and the odd drop of rain outside.


cheers mike, i think ill go with the sennheiser px100's, good reviews, headband type so should stay on, said to be comfortable, im hoping they are rugged enough, hard to know? ill be walking on the beach not running so there shouldnt be lots of cable movement, in the gym ill be on a treadmill or crosstrainer most of the time, should be ok. i can get them delivered to ireland for under e40..


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