I was going to order the Copper-line Alpha mains cable from their website, and then I found out I have to choose fuse. When I click on it, I am given these options: 3 amp, 5 amp, 7 amp, 10 amp, 13 amp or no fuse.
What should I choose?
Fitting the correct rating of fuse is critical to protect your components and ultimately yourself. A fuse protects a component from overloads and faults; essentially blowing when an event like this happens thus protecting the component from damage. If a component is fitted with a fuse of higher rating than required then should such an event occur then damage can result and in the worst case scenario this can lead to an electrical fire. This is why we offer the fuse options when ordering a cable from us.
Mnay components are protected by internal fuses or a fuse on the back panel. However many are not, so fitting the correct rating of fuse to the actual power cable is critical. The best thing to do is to check the manual(s) of the component(s) to see if this states a fuse requirement. If it does not, then you can check the rating of fuse fitted to the factory supplied power cable. If you have any problems then please contact us and we can assist you.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,