@RGD: No, since it was mine; more the livingroom police - "how many pieces of hifi do you need exactly, and which can you exchange for shoes and handbags?". I have still not resolved 'Diamond-9.1s-behind-the-sofa-gate'.
@Chebby: Yes. There is a CA rep somewhere with their arm bitten off.
@Steve: I think you misjudge the size of the effect power can have, certainly in some circumstances (eg mine). Despite expectations in some quarters to the contrary, the Uniti has the edge in terms of treble refinement (the area where distortion is supposed to be most obvious, I think) over the Cambridge. The Cambridge, however, does better in imaging and bass extension (subjectively) and - crucially, and the reason for getting it - allows me to control amp volume from the iPad app and, well, looks really cool as a matching set in the rack :-D