I bought an Onkyo TX 8260 av 2.1 channel receiver and set it up with my Dali Spektor 2 speakers. No subwoofer.
I have to put the volume at 60/99 to get a decent volume sound. At 40/99 is almost silent.
What can be going wrong? Any thoughts or recommendations?
Hi there! Nothing is wrong, this is how it was built, that's why the default volume is 40 straight out of the box!
I have the same model. That's strange, but I think we can deal with it. As to recommendations, yes you can adjust it from setup menu by putting +12dB, and your low volume will start somewhere from 15-20 instead of 40! It should be done for each channel (CD, TV, Game, Optical etc.) separately! Any questions, feel free to ask.
Mit Spektor etabliert Dali eine neue Lautsprecherreihe, welche nochmals preiswerter positioniert ist als die ohnehin schon erschwingliche und dennoch klangstarke Zensor-Familie. Kann aber günstiger immer noch gut sein? Das haben wir anhand des zweitkleinsten Modells überprüft: der Kompaktbox...