88 is when it starts to get loud. The amp has run for a few minutes at 92 before cutting out, that was pretty impressive, you could feel the air moving from the bass and the speakers were really moving back and forth very quickly. The music was very clear, a little like a disco, but then it all cut out. I expect 100 (max) volume would be very impressive, possibly even life threatening. I am not watching films at these volume levels, only listening to music with tv volume at 0. By the way I live in the Spanish countryside and have no problems with neighbours, but my wife does worry that the house is going to fall down. I wish!
I think some kind of protection device is cutting in, but why? Surely the amp is meant to go to 100?
Yes, maybe I am a little aggressive with my musical needs, before this set up I bought a Denon ASR608 (I think that was the number) and blew it up after 2 days, the inside just melted down, but I blame Carlos Santana