Onkyo TX-SR605 HDMI/AV switching problem


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I am new to this so please bear with me.

I recently had my first home cinema set-up installed in my house. I went for the Panasonic TH42 PZ70, Q Acoustics 1010i 5.1 speakers and an Onkyo TX-SR605 amp. The problem I have is that whenever I switch on the TV after a few seconds it jumps from TV to HDMI. This appears to happen mainly if I switch on the amp after the TV but occasionally happens even if I switch on the amp first.

I have selected TV as the preferred mode on power-on of the TV but this still happens. The company I bought it from has offered me an exchange but I'm going to have to pay a fair bit more for something of similar quality and they also told me that the Onkyo can often have these switching issues, does anyone else have an opinion on this? The shop also seems confident it is the Onkyo and not the TV causing the problem.

Any suggestions or comments would be welcomed.

As far as I know, it's part of the HDMI control system, which tells the TV to switch to HDMI when the receiver is on. Check whether the TV has 'Viera Link' enabled in its menus, and if so turn it off.

Also check in the Onkyo's menus, and disable HDMI control (Onkyo manual p84)
Thanks for the quick response, still at work so I'll check it when I get home and let you know how I go.

Many thanks.
I tried both those suggestions but unfortunately they didn't resolve the problem.

The Viera Link option is not available on the TV, I think this is because the other devices are not compatible with this feature. When I looked in the Onkyo's setup menu the HDMI control was already disabled.

Can anyone suggest anything else that I might try? Does anyone have any opinion on Onkyo recievers having switching issues?

I have been playing around for the past couple of days to no avail. Very frustrating.

Can anyone else confirm if they have heard of or experienced similar issues?

Thanks for all suggestions people, the problem seems to have gone and I don't know why but it's gone so I'm happy!

Will update if it decides to go again.

I've also got a PZ70 and was thinking of partnering this with the Onkyo '605. I'm hoping that i may be able to control the volume of the Onkyo using the TV remote via the HDMI link. Do you know if this is even possible??

I have tried searching for an answer before i commit to purchase but just find posts about problems.