Onkyo CBX-300.

Big Chris

New member
Apr 3, 2008
Seen one of these on Play, and wondered if anyone had heard it in action. Not as attractive as the Vita Audio R4, but at half the price with similar features it could be a winner for my old man.

I did a search, but it threw up nothing.
Mine is great. Not sure what else to say. Sits in the dining room/kitchen area and is used regularly for radio, CD and ipod. My wife even uses it to charge her iphone...

The only weakness is the remote. Too many small buttons. Otherwise it's fully-featured, has very good sound and as I bought mine in the states a year ago (i use a voltage converter here), extremely well-priced (versus the Bose i had thought of as the alternative then).

The only one I would have preferred to buy is the B&W Zeppelin, but the price was much higher. I don't know the Vita Audio R4, but I can tell you the CBX I have doesn't have DAB.
Thanks Frederic.

I was looking for my Dad, who has just given his big old Technics system to my Sister, and his Eltax speakers to me, and he wants a box that can handle his Ipod, CDs & radio. The Zeppelin looks great, but is Ipod only, and the Vita R4 looks just the ticket, but the cost's a bit much.

The CBX-300 looks like it has everything he needs, but not having heard it I wanted to know how good it sounded. Sounds good from what you're saying.


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