Bit of a retrospective post as I've already chosen and bought one of the above. Auditioned both recently and was aware beforehand that the Onkyo had the better spec but the Sony had the better pedigree with music. I found that they were both very different but both extremely good in their own right.
The Onkyo has bags of presence and power with excellent sound with movies. It has an awesome ability to reproduce a 360 degree sound whereas the Sony is far more civilised, I felt like I was constantly turning the Sony up to try and capture the same dynamics.
2 channel music was a different ball game with the Sony proving to be far more relaxed and subtle. The Onk kinda sets about music the same way it handles movies.....full on.
I did buy the 806 as movies and Sky HD are my primary sources, having said that the first Onkyo died a death within hours and I now am in to my second day with it's replacement although having read another AV forum site I am now waiting for some dreaded blue spots to start appearing on my TV screen......
The Onkyo has bags of presence and power with excellent sound with movies. It has an awesome ability to reproduce a 360 degree sound whereas the Sony is far more civilised, I felt like I was constantly turning the Sony up to try and capture the same dynamics.
2 channel music was a different ball game with the Sony proving to be far more relaxed and subtle. The Onk kinda sets about music the same way it handles movies.....full on.
I did buy the 806 as movies and Sky HD are my primary sources, having said that the first Onkyo died a death within hours and I now am in to my second day with it's replacement although having read another AV forum site I am now waiting for some dreaded blue spots to start appearing on my TV screen......