Well I managed to plug in my favourite system (Bryston of course
) and warm it up a little, and popped on the SA1's for a listen to a few tracks. I wondered which amplifier to come down to after the BP26/4Bsst2/BCD1 combo, so settled on the ATC SIA2-150, which wasn't fully warm when I tried it out, but I can't predict when I can get a listen to them!
I decided to try my regular CD's out as they're the ones I know best, and know what to expect from them. One of my usual tests is Red Hot Chili Pepper's Blood Sugar Sex Magic, which is a very raw, lean sounding CD, bordering on the bright/harsh in many places. I expected this to sound awful, as I'm not too keen on speakers with such small bass drivers! To my surprise, they handled the album extremely well, especially the big test track, Give It Away, as on many systems it has no bass at all, and it's just so busy it tends to get a bit muddled. Because of how lean the track is, this tends to accentuate the midband and higher frequencies, and on some systems much of the track just sounds harsh and unlistenable. The combination of the Bryston and SA1's broke the track down and gave you all the layers, regardless of how busy things got. Some of the guitar work was a little ear piercing, but that's just as much a quality of the track than it is the preciseness of the system itself. Even with the lack of bass in the track, you could clearly hear every single note Flea was playing. I was a little disappointed with the amount of bass slam as I'm used to a lot more - but bear in mind I'm used to this system with KEF's 205/2 Reference speakers!
Changing to the ATC, something just wasnt quite right. It did a sterling job and wasn't letting itself down, but it didn't quite match up to the Bryston pre/power, but then again, you wouldn't expect it to! Given it's price point, which is about a third of the Bryston, it drove the SA1's perfectly. Using the SA1's, based on what I've heard so far, you'd have a hard job justifying anything over the SIA2-150. But I suppose we would expect that....
Now I need to come down a little more - maybe a Nait XS.....although I would like a little more time with the combo to try other music out.