The other day, in the midst of my deliberations over whether I should carry out a serious upgrade to my amp, a letter arrived from the C&G Building Society. It was my annual statement. I had forgotten all about it, having stopped putting money in a few years back. I thought to myself: "that's convenient - I can find a use for that!"
Today I spent it! I didn't mean to, honest. It just sort of happened. Stone cold sober, I was on eBay. There was this Primare I30 amp and Primare CD31 ‘player lurking there and they mugged me, I swear. I succumbed to the temptation: I bid and I won. Oh dear! That wasn't the plan. But the reviews were so good and the money I saved! Ah, but what about the Naim and Leema options I will be listening to tomorrow? What about the new Marantz coming out later in the summer? What about the building society account that has just been pillaged? Why couldn't the auction have been ending later in the week? Stay away from Fleabay, it is a very House of Sin and Lost Souls!
Still, I am looking forward to receiving and listening to these highly-rated items very shortly. They can always return whence they came if the other kit I audition is better suited to my tastes. Sometimes you have to take your opportunities as they arise and hope the gamble pays off.
In the meantime, does anyone know the address or phone number of the local 'Fleabayers Anonymous'?
Today I spent it! I didn't mean to, honest. It just sort of happened. Stone cold sober, I was on eBay. There was this Primare I30 amp and Primare CD31 ‘player lurking there and they mugged me, I swear. I succumbed to the temptation: I bid and I won. Oh dear! That wasn't the plan. But the reviews were so good and the money I saved! Ah, but what about the Naim and Leema options I will be listening to tomorrow? What about the new Marantz coming out later in the summer? What about the building society account that has just been pillaged? Why couldn't the auction have been ending later in the week? Stay away from Fleabay, it is a very House of Sin and Lost Souls!
Still, I am looking forward to receiving and listening to these highly-rated items very shortly. They can always return whence they came if the other kit I audition is better suited to my tastes. Sometimes you have to take your opportunities as they arise and hope the gamble pays off.
In the meantime, does anyone know the address or phone number of the local 'Fleabayers Anonymous'?