OMG - What Have I Done?!?!


New member
Feb 16, 2009
The other day, in the midst of my deliberations over whether I should carry out a serious upgrade to my amp, a letter arrived from the C&G Building Society. It was my annual statement. I had forgotten all about it, having stopped putting money in a few years back. I thought to myself: "that's convenient - I can find a use for that!"
Today I spent it! I didn't mean to, honest. It just sort of happened. Stone cold sober, I was on eBay. There was this Primare I30 amp and Primare CD31 ‘player lurking there and they mugged me, I swear. I succumbed to the temptation: I bid and I won. Oh dear! That wasn't the plan. But the reviews were so good and the money I saved! Ah, but what about the Naim and Leema options I will be listening to tomorrow? What about the new Marantz coming out later in the summer? What about the building society account that has just been pillaged? Why couldn't the auction have been ending later in the week? Stay away from Fleabay, it is a very House of Sin and Lost Souls!

Still, I am looking forward to receiving and listening to these highly-rated items very shortly. They can always return whence they came if the other kit I audition is better suited to my tastes. Sometimes you have to take your opportunities as they arise and hope the gamble pays off.

In the meantime, does anyone know the address or phone number of the local 'Fleabayers Anonymous'?
lol , after all your careful planning and several threads you just bought one blind

im only kidding , the i30 kit gets very good reviews , and as you say you can sell it on again anyway if it doesnt seem worth keeping , im glad you are still going to demo the leema as id like to hear your opinions on that one

looks like its going to be a fun week esp
Welcome to the Dark Side....

My Motive 3s arrived today, another impatient ebay gamble, but as you rightly say, bargains are there to be had if you know what to look for. You can usually sell on for what you paid if you don't like them.
Superb amp and CDP that synergises very well. I tried the I30 on the SA1s and it was great. They're keepers and their build quality is second to none.
Thanks for the votes of confidence thus far!

I must admit to having some nerves over this one. I hope at least the amp will be with me by Thursday so I can do a comparison with whichever amp I prefer of the Wednesday demo session and take home.

Oh, what fun!
You see? That's what happens when you go onto ebay sober, you are at their mercy. Next time do it drunk and all you'll end up with is a mega water pistol!.....or was that just me? I think you'll get little backlash as we've all been there and if the deals good and the money's there then thou shalt buy!!!
And let's face it if it sounds c**p then back onto fleabay it goes.
Ah ha! Another one succumbs to the burning sensation of spare cash.

I don't have a Fleabay account on purpose but still manage

to acquire the odd 'considered purchase'.

Well done and enjoy it.
Stone cold sober? My a***!

Good purchases, happy listening! I do knock Ebay to some degree, especially for it's charging structures, but then again, I got my 752s and Sansui amp off there for the grand sum of £255 give or take a pound or so!

(Though I suspect the Primares probably came in at a somewhat higher winning bid!)
the record spot:Stone cold sober? My a***!
Good purchases, happy listening! I do knock Ebay to some degree, especially for it's charging structures, but then again, I got my 752s and Sansui amp off there for the grand sum of £255 give or take a pound or so! (Though I suspect the Primares probably came in at a somewhat higher winning bid!)


Not cheap, but a considerable saving over quoted prices seen on t'interweb. I couldn't believe my, er, fortune!
In the meantime, does anyone know the address or phone number of the local 'Fleabayers Anonymous'?

I know exactly how you feel, ESP...
what i want to know is where is esp,s leema pulse review ? did he fall in love and buy it on the spot ? get it home and cant bring himself to log on because hes hypnotised by its sound in his system

is there an i30 going cheap in the midlands ? i,ll take it


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