Old or new Panny?


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Aug 10, 2019
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Mr. Clough, if I can get a good deal; thinking circa £750; is the older Pany TH42Pz70 a viable proposition instead of the newer 80 series. Are they that much better than the outgoing series? Have read a few comlaints re: 80 & 85. Perhaps there were similar leveled at the Pz70 when a new model? I'm only just looking to replace 32" CRT so missed it all. Thoughts.


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Apr 10, 2008
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Im not Mr.Clough, but here's my 2 cents worth.

Personally I would go for the new 08 models. It seems that this years new models from all manufacturers are cheaper than last years equivalent.

Also the new 80 has a better spec'd panel than last year. Higher contrast ratio than the 70 model. 30000-1 instead of 10000-1 . So you should in theory get darker blacks and whiter whites than the 70.

A quick look on kelkoo and you can find the 80 for around £840 ish . So it all depends on what sort of deal you can find on a 70 model. I don't think the 80 is a huge step forward than a 70. So if you can find a bargain 70 you could be on to a winner.

As for the 80 85 complaints I think 98% are due to setup. I have the 42"PZ85 and it's excellent. It doesn't matter if it's a tv or a £5 kettel, there's always going to be a small % with problems.


....and further to Spiceweasel's comments.... I too have the PZ85, have experienced problems with faulty sets and am still in the process of getting it sorted. I will persevere because John Lewis are looking after me well (so far, fingers crossed) and I know the sets are very capable.

Again, I would also go for the later models because even if you cannot see a performance difference at the moment, you will appreciate the 24fps support when watching blu ray - none of the judder.

I also have the 32LXD700, think it is great, but if buying now would spend a few quid more on the current model.


Became the proud owner of the TX-32LZD85 yesterday, its the dogs luv spuds and im confident it should be future proof for a good few years
. Guy in the shop very kindly plonked it next to the TX-32LX85 (HD Ready only) model, fed them both with the same 1080p, 1080i and Standard Def (from a Sky dish) feeds. Both were equal on nearly all counts. The LZ85 stood out caused it achieved much deeper colour reproduction from both types of High Def feeds and did show more detail from the Full HD feed, despite the common consensus being you cannot discern Full HD on a screen that size, it performed only slightly worse with the Sky Standard Def feed.


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