Nw cinema set up - which order for speakers


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Nov 13, 2009
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Im just getting into home cinema, just purchased a Yamaha rxv667' but going to use the front pre outs and use my hi fi amp which is a marantz pm6004 with MA bx2 speakers (using chord silver carnival).

I can only buy the speakers 1 at a time so is the centre the next logical step, then sub, then rears? Obviously I will be buying from the BX range.

Also is it best to use Chord silver carnival for the centre as my fronts use the same?

Im planning on using Chord leyline 2 for the rears as I already have a run of 10m which will be enough for 1 speaker, I will buy another 10m, with this being a chord cable is it best to keep to chord, obviously I can't really afford silver carnival for the rears.

Any help much appreciated


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May 2, 2010
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Where do you view the screen from. If anybody views it from the side or off centre, I'd say the centre is the next most important. The centre basically anchors dialogue and other central sound to near the tv. Without it sound can get a bit weird sitting to one side.

Otherwise I'd suggest getting the rears (not sure how one at a time would work ?). How a bit something like a pair fo Monitor Audio R45s ? Or if you're feeling flush the R90. I have this and they are great for surrounds.

But the syb ? Chances are its going to cost as much as the Centre & Rears together. Don't worry about necessarily getting the BX sub. REL subs offer great VFM.


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