Not a fan of apple...but


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Aug 10, 2019
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So had to get Ipod so I can use my archived music, I'm computer savvy so why on earth is iTunes designed to be as useless as possible, I want to listen to my music how I want to and not how apple wants, please tell me there is a way to QUICKLY join all my albums up, I had over 500 saved now iTunes have made them into 1000's this is crazy I don't wanna spend my evenings clicking! Help anyone?


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Sep 29, 2011
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I also found iTunes to be utter tosh ... I had it installed on my PC for a couple of hours before removing it and got frustrated with its performance and control freakery in that short time. So I manage an iPod Classic using Foobar 2000 and the iPod Manager component. Very easy and fast to use, and keeps you in control.

PS You might want to check the tags on your music .. make sure they are OK and consistent


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badgerboi said:
I want to listen to my music how I want to and not how apple wants, please tell me there is a way to QUICKLY join all my albums up, I had over 500 saved now iTunes have made them into 1000's this is crazy I don't wanna spend my evenings clicking! Help anyone?

Why not just highlight all the tracks in the albums and then just tick the 'part of a compilation' under 'Get Info', then the 'Options' tag


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badgerboi said:
I'm computer savvy so why on earth is iTunes designed to be as useless as possible
It's not designed to be useless. It's designed to do 99% of the thinking for the huge majority of its users, who aren't computer-savvy. It's a bit-perfect ripper, a bit-perfect player (on a Mac at least), a decent librarian, as well as being a tool for downloading music and videos from one of the largest online repositories on the planet. It's by no means perfect, but what it does, it does well.

Can I also be cheeky and ask why did you choose an iPod if you're not a fan of Apple products? I'm not really a huge Windows fan (though I'm not 'anti Windows') so I wouldn't go out and buy a Windows phone then complain that it doesn't work how I'd like it to.

Just wonderin' :)


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MajorFubar said:
It's a bit-perfect ripper,

Accept it doesnt verify (or notify you) if there are any errors, like dBpoweramp/AccurateRip for example.

Ripping a large libraray of CDs is an laborious/tedious task, and personally i only want to have to do it once, and want it done properly (if only for my own piece of mind) which is a good enough reason not to use iTune to rip, even if you use it as a manager in my book.


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MajorFubar said:
badgerboi said:
I'm computer savvy so why on earth is iTunes designed to be as useless as possible
It's not designed to be useless. It's designed to do 99% of the thinking for the huge majority of its users, who aren't computer-savvy. It's a bit-perfect ripper, a bit-perfect player (on a Mac at least), a decent librarian, as well as being a tool for downloading music and videos from one of the largest online repositories on the planet. It's by no means perfect, but what it does, it does well.

Can I also be cheeky and ask why did you choose an iPod if you're not a fan of Apple products? I'm not really a huge Windows fan (though I'm not 'anti Windows') so I wouldn't go out and buy a Windows phone then complain that it doesn't work how I'd like it to.

Just wonderin' :)

lol i love it , If you don't know just ask instead of dismissing it as a rubbish product.

It's funny you don't seem to get such a negetive attitude from Apple users to other matching 3rd party products and i would never rule out using a pc , android or windows phone in the future.


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daveh75 said:
MajorFubar said:
It's a bit-perfect ripper,

Accept it doesnt verify (or notify you) if there are any errors, like dBpoweramp/AccurateRip for example.

Ripping a large libraray of CDs is an laborious/tedious task, and personally i only want to have to do it once, and want it done properly (if only for my own piece of mind) which is a good enough reason not to use iTune to rip, even if you use it as a manager in my book.

And its not bit perfect by default with playback unless its on a mac, and even then, only if you don't use a digital volume control. Though some say this doesn't really matter and there's enough "headroom" to allow for that. At that point it's over my head. It's never bothered me on any system in any case, th ewhole bit perfect thing.


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daveh75 said:
Accept it doesnt verify (or notify you) if there are any errors, like dBpoweramp/AccurateRip for example.
This is true...though I notice that when you tick 'use error correction' the speed of ripping can vary enormously from CD to CD, all the way down to 0.5x (!) on one occasion, even though the very-old CD I was ripping (Graceland, Paul Simon) had no obvious defects. So with that in mind I suspect (but obviously cannot prove) that its error correction is reading the CD as accurately as any other software would be able to. But at the end of the day it's only one tool for the job among many, especially for PC users, so each to their own.

But even considering its weaknesses, I think it's unfair to say it's been designed to be useless, hence why I jumped in to its defense.


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To be fair, I've even had programmes tell me there's innacuracies in rips but, on listening, I've not been able to spot them. The only reasons I don't use WMP to rip is because poweramp rips to two formats at a time for me and, more often than not, tags correctly for me too.


landzw said:
MajorFubar said:
badgerboi said:
I'm computer savvy so why on earth is iTunes designed to be as useless as possible
It's not designed to be useless. It's designed to do 99% of the thinking for the huge majority of its users, who aren't computer-savvy. It's a bit-perfect ripper, a bit-perfect player (on a Mac at least), a decent librarian, as well as being a tool for downloading music and videos from one of the largest online repositories on the planet. It's by no means perfect, but what it does, it does well.

Can I also be cheeky and ask why did you choose an iPod if you're not a fan of Apple products? I'm not really a huge Windows fan (though I'm not 'anti Windows') so I wouldn't go out and buy a Windows phone then complain that it doesn't work how I'd like it to.

Just wonderin' :)

lol i love it , If you don't know just ask instead of dismissing it as a rubbish product.

It's funny you don't seem to get such a negetive attitude from Apple users to other matching 3rd party products and i would never rule out using a pc , android or windows phone in the future.

I said I'm not a fan, strictly because people get freakishly defensive regarding products they buy like they are share holders, hence the responses, my question was simply to find a quick way to rectify something I regard should be simply a main function that shouldn't be so labour intensive, an album should not be split up because other artists feature on it, if the only way to rectify this is to click each track as a compilation then that was the answer I required, fanboys are funny creatures, I simply purchased the Ipod because it was the cleanest solution to my music setup without having to have my pc on permanently to access my music, hopefully that answers some questions?


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Have to agree with you that the way it can split-up tracks on albums which should OBVIOUSLY be stored together, just because there is a different contributing artist, is a PITA. Maybe if you had asked that specifically rather than rubbishing the product you would have got a more objective answer more quickly. :)

If the album in question is not specifically a compilation, butfor some reason it shows different artist info, then before you click 'import CD', highlight all the tracks with Ctrl + A, right-click and pick 'get info'. Enter the singer/band name/etc in the Artist field and enter the album name in the Album field. That way when you rip the CD, it will store them all together.


Thank you, okay so the thing is all my music was all previously ripped, and originally saved using windows, I have converted all my music using iTunes but this is where it has changed my previously 500+ album collection into 1500+ separate 'albums' was just hoping for an option im over looking, I know people have suggested highlighting but across 1500 odd albums that doesn't work very effectively, if there isn't a simple solution then I will get clicking but didn't wanna HAVE to sit there if I am missing a trick?



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Mar 3, 2010
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Probably best to scrap what you've already transferred and re-import it from your PC. But before you do, make use of Windows' superior (imo) tagging-ability to correctly tag the albums name and artist info, because misinterpretting that info is what's causing iTunes to cøck-up the import.

Hope that helps a bit.

John Duncan

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badgerboi said:
people get freakishly defensive regarding products they buy

Freakishly defensive how?



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