No hifi for a week


New member
Aug 24, 2007

Room having fire damage repaired and new decoration.

Will have to make do with the Sounddock.
i had a new kitchen put in 3 weeks ago and so the music area was covered with kitchen things and i had to go 2 weeks with no hifi as i packed it all away to prevent damage or knocks

i was more excited by having the hifi back in action than a new kitchen - my wife didnt understand !
Well it's going to be a right pain too, as my new rack won't be ready I don't think, so I may have to set it all up again, then pull it down, add the rack later, and reset up.

It's rubbish.
aye, but just think how good it will be when it's all sorted, your rack's in place, and you can just sit down and chill with some tunes


Room having fire damage repaired and new decoration.

If you've had fire damage I think I'ld be wary about 'burning in' anything in the future.
I can join the frustration. I sold my speakers a few weeks back because I am about to upgrade, with funds from an injury claim payout.

[I figured what the hell .... it's time to treat myself and I deserve it after what I have been through in the last 2 1/2 years since an accident.]

Only problem is the payment is taking a little longer than planned and may be another couple of weeks yet.

I've gone through the demo process for amps & speakers, to keep myself 'up' and decided what to get, but am climbing the walls without a system I can enjoy at home.

Patience is a virtue ..... and was never my strong point!

Then to make it worse, when the money does arrive - it'll take a couple MORE weeks for the kit to come in from abroad.

ahhh ...... but then the FUN begins

[Except running it all in of course - arrrrrrgghhhh !]
Yup - I have just sorted out my upgrade and simply await the arrival of insurance funds, to order it.

Going for Moon P8 Pre-amp and W7 Power amp with Sonus Faber Amati Palladio speakers ..... YUMMMMM !

Excited like a kid on Christmas Eve !
Unlucky Joel. Perhaps you`ll end up quite enjoying playing around and setting up again even though you`re not expecting to. A good chance to give all the connects a clean and stuff. Are you still moving house by the way?


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