I can join the frustration. I sold my speakers a few weeks back because I am about to upgrade, with funds from an injury claim payout.
[I figured what the hell .... it's time to treat myself and I deserve it after what I have been through in the last 2 1/2 years since an accident.]
Only problem is the payment is taking a little longer than planned and may be another couple of weeks yet.
I've gone through the demo process for amps & speakers, to keep myself 'up' and decided what to get, but am climbing the walls without a system I can enjoy at home.
Patience is a virtue ..... and was never my strong point!
Then to make it worse, when the money does arrive - it'll take a couple MORE weeks for the kit to come in from abroad.
ahhh ...... but then the FUN begins
[Except running it all in of course - arrrrrrgghhhh !]