Newbie - Denon 1911 or yamaha with what speakers?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello whathifiers,

This is my first post! and in the 2 weeks I have been learning about what the hell a receiver was, I have come down to a couple of choices. Denon 1911 or a similar spec Yamaha system. Im leaning towards Denon because I read somewhere they are better for sound quality, which is most important for me.

I have a couple of questions, what is a good speaker set up to go for (for cinema and music).. Is this going to be a good system to fill a fairly large room. I've been looking at pairing the denon 1911 with harmann kardon [class="Apple-style-span"]HKTS16BQ[/class]

Or are there better speakers systems out there? I read about the boston acoustics XS which are fine speakers but dont have enough boom to fill a big room.

Final question.. Im convincing my parents to blow more money on the sounds over the £200 comet style sony set ups.. are we going to be blown away with the denons and yamahas?

Any advice would be greatly received

Choosing an amp will depend really on which speaker package you opt for, as some pair better with different brands.Looking at Denon and Yamaha they both make fine sounding amps, but they both offer different sounds. At that price range you also have several other options and it may be possible to bag a really good deal on an older model.Now for speakers room size will play a big part on your decision and i would always choose traditional speakers over almost any sub/sat package.Your choice will be affected by smaller rooms as traditional speakers normally need plenty of space to breath and correct positioning, sub/sat speakers can be wall mounted easily and therefore can be placed almost anywhere. Looking at your speaker choice ive never seen or heard the Harman and never knew they even made speakers, they do good amps especially for stero.If your expecting to hear spectacular music from an av amp then you have to spend big just to get quality from a bottom to midrange stero amp.So although sound quality can be reasonable it won't blow you away.There are a lot better choices of speakers available and depending on your room layout and budget i would look at the Monitor audio range like the Br's or HD.
The room is a fair size, long rectangular rather than square, it measures 13x23ft. Trouble is, I have about 600-700 to play with including amp and speakers. Buying traditional speakers over sats and sub looks like its going to take up most of that budget.

Another factor is time, because we are getting the floor laid and we want to hide all the wires under the skirting boards.

If it were you, what would you buy with that sort of budget?
Here are a few suggestions. But definitely demo your options before buying a system.

AV receiver: Onkyo TX-SR608, Yamaha RX-V667, Denon AVR-1911

Speaker package: Boston Acoustics Soundware XS, KEF KHT-1005.2, Jamo A102HCS5, Q Acoustics 1010i

Some dealers like Sevenoaks run promotions wherein if you buy receiver & speakers from them, you get 15-30% discount on speakers. Of course, you'll get sizeable discounts in Manchester Sound & Vision show.

You can also get very nice discounts on last year's receivers which are excellent in every respect, like this Yamaha RX-V765, which, pound for pound, is sonically superior than the above suggestions. This also leaves you more money for your speakers.

Also, check this.

You can always get the cables hidden before getting the floor laid. You don't have to buy your system until then. The cables are then ready for you to connect when you buy your system. Given your modest budget, don't spend a fortune on cables.
Ok, some good info there bigboss

I started looking at an amp and speaker deal starting at 500, and eventually moved that up to accommodate some better speakers. Now I am thinking that for sonic value, loudspeakers are the way to go. Do you have any suggestions for a good performers and low priced cinema packages, rather than buying each speaker separately?

Or by doing this would I be spending a lot more just for small gains?


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