Looking for a new TV - what could I reasonably expect to sell my Panasonic TH46PZ81 for (probably on an auction site)?
Looking at the LG50PX990 which wil be used for 2D most of the time but I have acess to Sky 3D so might watch a bit of that now and again but that's about it. Is the PX990 better than the PK990 for standard 2D? (I can get the PX990 for less than the PK990) and are there any other non 3D sets I should be considering for the £1K mark?
Looking at the LG50PX990 which wil be used for 2D most of the time but I have acess to Sky 3D so might watch a bit of that now and again but that's about it. Is the PX990 better than the PK990 for standard 2D? (I can get the PX990 for less than the PK990) and are there any other non 3D sets I should be considering for the £1K mark?