New Stereo System


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi there,

After switching from stereo to 5.1, I’m ready to undo that mistake.

After some upgrading I ended up with a set i like, but felt a but warm and wooly:

NAD 326 c BEE amp
Dali Concept 6 speakers
QED Silver Anniversary XT cables
Acram DVD78 player
Pro-ject Debut III Esprit turntable

When I moved into my new apartment it seemed like a good idea to sell my set (why?!)and by a HC set:

Marantz eclipse mini set
Canton CD1 speakers
Uhlbach cables

Big mistake. But, having saved a little bit of money, i'd like to keep the Marantz for movie fun and buy myself a whole new stereo set.

Situation: I still own my pro-ject turntable, so I’d like to build a set around that,primarily for playing vinyl. The listening room is rather small with thick concrete walls. I like to listen to hip-hop, up-tempo jazz, soul, and rock/poppy stuff.I'd also like to buy a dock for my iPod (containing .wma)

So I’ve done some searching and found the Q acoustic 2020 speakers for a decent price,but would be able to stretch to say the Monitor audio BX2. Would that be worthit for a smaller room?

The local hifi shop offers an older PM7000 marantz amp for a really decent price, but I could stretch to 300pounds to find a better suited one. I also find the Fatman iValve very tempting, how would that compare to a pm7000 for instance?

So am I searching in the right direction here? Or could i do better with my music taste and listening room?

Hope you guys can help me out here!


(you'll have to excuse my English by the way, I’m not a native (Dutch))
I would really recommend the Fatman. I had the original Fatman Carbon, which I used for running my Rega P3 turntable (with Graham Slee phono stage.) I've recently replaced the Fatman with a Rega Mira which cost three times the price. Ok, the MIra is has slightly better detail, but..!
Cheers! Would the Fatman be powerfull enough to run the 2020's of BX2's?
kikkie:Cheers! Would the Fatman be powerfull enough to run the 2020's of BX2's?

yes ........both speakers are sensitive enough to work............out of the two i'd go for the Monitor Audio which work well with the fatman In my opinion,

So the hifishop just called and suggested these four:

Rega Brio2 @ ?250,- 2nd hander
Marantz PM7000 @ ?220,- 2nd hander
Marantz PM6002 @ ?200,- Demo
Fatman iValve @ ?200,- New (needs a phono pre-amp though)

They offer these speakers:
Q acoustics 2020 pair @ ?200,- New
Whaftdales 10.1 pair @ ?220,- New
Monitor audio BX2 @ ?350,- New
B&W 602 s2 pair @ ?200,- 2nd hand, viner letting go a bit on the angles

I'd like to choose 2 amps and 2 speakers to audition. I think the 602's might be a bit mutch for my setting and for the rega and fatman (am i right?). Would the Fatman have enough power to fill my little listening room? (its about 10*13 foot)

Thanks a lot!
If you fancy Monitor Audios perhaps consider a second hand Musical Fidelity XA1 or XA2 although you will have to get the separate phono stage at another 100 or so over the 200-250 one of those amps will cost.
Marantz stuff seems to pair well with MA speakers.
Well that offer, remember its euro's though. i looked quite thoroughly but i can't realy find it under 350? anywhere.
I have a Linn Pretex amp which has both mm & mc connections . I run a Michell Gyro SE of this amp and it has a good handling on vynle. At the moment on ebay is a linn Intex which is the intergated version but still comes with the mm & mc connections, I think it also allows you to add a power amp to it to turn it into a preamp as a update.

It's on ebay and the bid is up to £81.00 so far , but I can't see it going for more than £100 personaly. just a suggestion.....
So i bought this Rega Brio 2000 apm. Got it secondhand for an amazing price! It works great so i just went ahead and bought it.

So now the next step is to see if i can get some speakers to match it.

Who has suggestions for speakers i should audition? What kind of speakers should i be looking for? I'd like to get more detail than i got from my Dali concept 6's.


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