new speakers?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am in the middle of upgrading my system. Currently I have a marantz CD6003, Cambridge Audio 540A amp, and wharfedale diamond 9.0 speakers, also an AR EB 101 turntable. I feel like the speakers are a little small and bright for the rest (the marantz is new). What recommendations do people have? I listen to a variety of stuff, jazz, soul, leftfield dance, indie, most stuff except classical. Thoughts? Oh budget I guess up to £400.


i'd agree, but dem first. i think the newer dyn's are meant to be easier to drive then older models, but my old 640 amp really struggled with some dynaudio audience 42s, probably the worst sound i've ever heard from seperates.
Thanks guys, they may be a bt more than my budget though. I can prob. get some B & W 685s at a good discount from one of our a/v contractors, would they be a good choice with my set up?

Thx R
i would not go B&W 685's with CA 550 the amp might not go well with the tweeter and it couls sound a touch bright. i would say listen to dali, rega rs1's or maybe mordaunt short as they are tested in the factorys with ca stuff as i have read no proof in that last comment. Good luck enjoy listening its one of fun bits imo.
I reckon Monitor Audio RX1s would deffo be worth a demo. check out the WHF review
they just fit in your budget.
cheers, some interesting suggestions and will start the search!
Yup, the MA RX1 would be first up to try out, and you could also try the Acoustic Energy Neo V2 floorstanders, which seem ratter good on first listening.


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