New speakers needed for Arcam A85. Any ideas?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

It is time to ditch the weakest link in my system (I think anyway) my long serving Mission 702e's.

They sound good but I am positive I am not hearing my amp properly.

I am hoping to get some recommendations for a decent pair of speakers, as I said I have an Arcam A85 amp and a CD72T.

I was looking at some Tannoy Mercury F4 Customs, any good? I like the B&Ws and the Arkaydis.

I am not fussed if the speakers are old or new models. There are so many I need some sort of a shortlist.

I listen to a wide range of music, from Electronic (Synth etc), Deftones through to Classical. I realise this may make it harder to choose some but so long as they are decent I can at least audition them without the process taking weeks or months.

Thanks a lot. [😛]
didnt pp have that amp paired with ma rs6s ? if so , he loved the combo , rs6s are going cheap at the moment too afaik ...
Ooh thanks, I will have a look.

PS Budget about 350.
maxflinn:didnt pp have that amp paired with ma rs6s ? if so , he loved the combo , rs6s are going cheap at the moment too afaik ...

Noo noo, Max - I had the baby of the range. You're right those RS6s will sing with A85.
I had an A85 and P85 for many years paired with B&W DM603S3. I also tried Monitor Audios back when I bought the setup, but I preferred the B&W. I daresay you'll be able to get those cheapish on ebay too. I really need to get round to selling mine!
Those ALR Jordan's sounded great when i heard them on an Arcam. Transparant, a bit laid back but musical and a bit bass heavy.
Yes I am watching those MAs at the mo. Thing is they are collection only. Miles away for me.
Plus I wanted a dark pair but sound is more important I suppose.

I will research those B&Ws as I really like a lot of their speakers. Re B&W it would be easier to say which to avoid in their range wouldn'tit? Which to avoid then? Like the 686s?

Any other recommendations?

IMO with your budget (and as long as you've got some good stands) you'll not get better than the B&W 685's


If you can stretch your budget a little more the Monitor Audio RX1's would be well worth a demo

If youre after standmount speakers then have a look around for some 2nd hand M/A RS6's but you'll be lucky to get them at that price IMO. The Acoustic Energy AE Neo 3's would be worth looking at as well but I really do think that the Arcam DiVA A85 amp deserves better
I have the arcam A80 and arcam CD92 with nordoost interconnects & speaker cable combined with B&W DM603S2 and work well with my music taste which is electro indie, chem. bros, etc...

Last year I had a home audition of Jamo C607 and it was like a blanket was put in front of the speakers, not to my taste I must say and had high hopes to be honest and in the end I held on to my trusted B&W's.
I've got my A85 connected to a pair of MA Silver 8i's - and it sounds great. The RS6s (or maybe the RS8s - but they've got a bit too bass heavy) are the spiritual successors to these and should also sound marvellous with the Arcam.
Get some EB2s. I'd like to know how they sound with Arcams. I'm adamant I'm gonna have new speakers by the end of the year and they come in gloss black which satisfies the aesthetics criteria.
That's interesting to hear BC. I'm happy with my A85 - had it since new - but upgraditis is rearing its head and I have been toying with trying to find a P85 to pair it with. Do you think maybe I should look at replacing my MAs instead? I do love their sound - especially when they're belting out some classic rock...
i'd avoid the ma rx1's, bit too laid back for the arcs, anything from the outgoing rs range or b&w will inject some life into your electronics. I think the 685's or rs6's are both a good shout but your amp could do better, maybe save up a wee while longer and go for something from the b&w cm range?


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