New Speakers Dilemma!


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2011
Hi all,

I am thhinking of changing my rather old (nearly 20years) Mission 780SE speakers to something a little more up to to date. Although I still enjoy the sound I am wondering if something new would sound even better with my current system..

I have a Marantz CD6004 & Marantz PM6004. I have been drawn to the Q Acoustics concept 20's, however I've started to wonder about floorstanders too! Q Acoustics 2050i maybe? Is my room big enough? Room size is 15' x 9' approx and I listen about 8' away from the speakers... I live in an apartment so have to be careful with volume levels, though not exceedingly low!

Any advice, would be greatly appreciated, many thanks.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2012
I had the 780SEs as well, I did try quite a few speakers and I was generally disappointed, esp. likes of Rega RS1s which I thought would be similar. As for floorstanders depends on the speaker and how close to walls they are, for that sixze room I would generally go for standmounts, my room is 16x11 and I would not have FS. FS will have more bass which maybe not a good thing in yr apartment but maybe you can play at lower volume?

I would have some auditions.


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