New Sony RDR HXD1070 (500GB)


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all, just about to purcahse a Sony RDR HXD1070 and would like to confirm on how many tuners it actually has. Their own website is not conclusive (although it refers to the item in the singular, which is strange as the previous few models ahev 2!); a general Google is also a bit vague. I asked someone in a Sony store and he seemed unsure. Sadly, WTVHIFI magazine does not list this product yet. Would certainly appreciate any positive comments..cheers
The product data sheet says "dual digital and analogue tuner". I take that to mean one tuner that works in either analogue or digital mode. I downloaded the manual for the RDR HXD1065, which makes a similar statement in its blurb, in the vain hope that it might actually have two of each. No such mention in the manual. No mention of simultaneous recording of two programmes or recording one whilst watching another.

It's frustrating that no one seems to make an all-in-one box that has two digital tuners, a hard disk, a DVD drive and video upscaling via HDMI. They either fall into the one tuner DVD recorder camp or twin tuner HD PVR camp.

Incidentally, in addition to the Humax PVR 9200T, I also own an HDX 560 which is from the same family as the 1070. Whilst well built and with a truly excellent picture, it's got the slowest user interface of any piece of consumer electronics I've ever owned. Clunky is a bit of an understatement!


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