Well after an extremely long wait I finally got my D30R.. and simply put these speakers are amazing.. If you're heard any of the Proac's that use the dome tweeter or the older non carbon fibre woofers you are in for a treat because these are simply in another league. I'm sure the lucky few who have the D40R or K6 or Carbon series know what I mean. The ribbon is ravashing, it's detailed but sweet the utter lack of grain and glare and apparent blackness are astonding.. the whole speaker just seems much quieter music coming from this organic blackness.. Midrange is all Proac magic . Images just float free from the speakers hell eveything just seems to emerge.. it's like there's just no speaker there.. focus, speed all the good stuff but it's utterly natural just so easy to listen to.. I can't really comment on the bass yet I only have about 25 hours on them and I've been told the carbon fibre woofer need a good 200 hours to really come on song, but frankley if the speakers never got any better I'd be thrilled. I've owned numerous Proac's . The original reponse 2, 3, 3.5, tabletts, studio 100, D25 and most recently D2.. these are far and away the best I've owned.. If you are a Proac fan you owe it to your self to go for a listen.. and try and hear them with tubes or pure class A, you won't be disappointed...