New Panasonic 2010 Range Announced at CES2010


New member
Aug 10, 2019
anyone else rather excited ?

the thoughts of potentially near Kuro black level performance (from initial on the floor reports anyway), 3D technology and almost zero phosphor lag on the higher end models

sounds like a superb new range

I think I will be tempted to upgrade later in the year, I currently have a 42PF11 which I find pretty increadible, I just wish it was larger. The current G series range haven't done much for me from what I've seen - they just don't seem to have the pixel sharpness of the PF I have.

i am, i cant wait to get the new infinite black panasonic kuro and im a little suprised theres not a little more excitment about these screens.
I read the Panasonic TV link. I think people get too carried away with the deep blacks in TV contrast.

Most TV have very deep blacks. Granted the Pioneer Kuro have the lowest measurable on a photometer, the blacks measured in cd/m - 0.0034. That's impressive, but the best outthere now -Samsung 8 series can do 0.025 cd/m. Even Sony's W and Z series have autodimming tricks to get the Blacks to less than 0.05.

Question is can your eyes tell the difference between Blacks at those extremes???

Pana' sets need to sort out those concurrent motion smear and judders in the G and S series.All this 400hz/600hz drive and neoPDP jargon nonsense don't translate to much. I would chose a LG over them.
I read the Panasonic TV link. I think people get too carried away with the deep blacks in TV contrast.

Most TV have very deep blacks. Granted the Pioneer Kuro have the lowest measurable on a photometer, the blacks measured in cd/m - 0.0034. That's impressive, but the best outthere now -Samsung 8 series can do 0.025 cd/m. Even Sony's W and Z series have autodimming tricks to get the Blacks to less than 0.05.

Question is can your eyes tell the difference between Blacks at those extremes???

Pana' sets need to sort out those concurrent motion smear and judders in the G and S series.All this 400hz/600hz drive and neoPDP jargon nonsense don't translate to much. I would chose a LG over them.
the samsung can only do that level of black on a blank dark screen , same for the sonys , contrast is the difference between the blackest black and the whitest white on the screen at the same time , the pioneer is streets ahead with this , hence the dynamism of its picture ...
We know the Kuro have the deepest blacks - it's been measured scientifically- but in terms of the whole spectrum of light to dark, I have yet heard the kuro have the greatest range of mid and light tone contrast compared with the other sets. I like to see the evidence from any quoted source?

Infact not even What Hi Fi have quoted these stats. All TV brands use their own misleading contrast range.So how do we really know the Kuro have the most extended contrast in the whole light and dark regions. You need to quote some numbers and not make leading statements.

I know alot about contrast in still photography as I used to do darkroom silver halide(Black and white film] 'hand' printing in a pro lab on Ilford paper. I was and still obessed with still photography. Only Black and White film could produce the contrast range that color film and transparency could not.

With digital - DSLR, HD CCD in camcorder and even HD TV, I am not sure what the real contrast levels are.No one knows the figures.
i wouldnt know about the best at mid to low light contrast , i know the kuro is the best tv ever made , i couldnt afford one last year , so im praying that panasonic can match it this year at around the £2k mark , if that happens ill be delighted , im saving already
I'll be interested to know what product codes they are using this year, as last year their codes were "10" & "11".
Well if the UK follows the US (far from a certainty), we can expect lots of numbers involving '2'.

The LCD range, for example, comprises D2 (LED backlit), X2, C22, U22 and U25 models at various sizes

The plasma range, meanwhile, comprises G20, G25 models, plus C2, U2 (ha!) and X2 models, too. Oh, and then there's the V25 series 3D plasmas.

The V25 3D sets feature 'Infinite Black Pro', while the G20 and G25 plasmas feature "Infinite Black".

We'll have a full UK rundown shortly, after we've had a forthcoming in-depth briefing from Panasonic.
Andy Clough:For those who are interested, I've just published a Blog with a full run-down of the entire US Panasonic 2010 range. We'll be attending the European press briefing on February 16th, so will be able to confirm UK models and prices then.

Ta Andy.

Appreciate that there's no info re prices yet, but do you think that the 46-50in 2D plasma Panas will remain at the current price-point or push into the 'Kuro-sphere'?
From my conversations with Panasonic at the Show, i'd expect this year's G20/G25 '2D' line-up to be broadly comparable with their 2009 predecessors, with the 3D sets carrying the true premium. But remember, it's the 3D flagship set - also claimed to excel in 2D - that promises to deliver the ultimate performance....
I'm pretty sure im not seeing a 37" plasma in that list. If i got another i would probably get a 42". Still, interesting. Or not.
tvspecv:are pioneer helping them with these models?

According to rumours, the new premium models have the Kuro technology (Panasonic bought the technology from Pioneer) & have employed the staff from Pioneer Kuro division.
tvspecv:are pioneer helping them with these models?

According to rumours, the new premium models have the Kuro technology (Panasonic bought the technology from Pioneer) & have employed the staff from Pioneer Kuro division.

Not rumours - Panasonic themselves told me directly that they've employed the ex-Pioneer engineers, and that the fruits of their labours are evident in this new line-up. Hence use of 'Infinite Black' etc
al7478:Far as i can see, slewis, thats under the LCDs.

This is the danger of taking the US releases as gospel, though - we didn't get the bigger screen sizes last year; they didn't get a 37in plasma, when we did....


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